Excuse me while I go vomit

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Scott stayed with me after that. It was nice, he'd talk about all the stuff him and the pack had done the last few months and I'd do the same but of course my stories are much less interesting. All I did was sit in my car all day and drive around.

"We looked for you you know." He said.


"Liam wouldn't let us go a week without sending someone out to look for you. He's practically on the edge of his seat outside begging Melissa to let him in."

"Liams here?" I asked,

"He told us what you did for Gabe." I looked down at my hands and nodded.

"He was just a kid." I said tracing my thumb over the palm of my hand.

"He's really worried." I scoffed,

"He barely knows me..."

"So? I've never seen Liam this worked up since Hayden left. He cares about you. We all do..."

"What just because I took a kids pain away?"

"No because you've changed. And no one deserves what you've been put through."

"Thanks Scott." I said softly looking back up at him. He smiled sadly at me.

"There's a lot of people outside who care about you Theo. And I'm sure they'd all like to know that you're okay. Should I go get them?" I nodded and Scott got up.

"I'll be back in a second." He left shutting the door behind him. I sighed pulling my knees up into my chest slowly as not to hurt myself. A dull ache had settled from my hips down, a side affect of being raped I guess. A moment later the door opened and Scott came back in. I looked up as he called everyone to come in.

"Theo!" Liam came bounding in. Literally, and stood himself next to my bed. This was a different Liam from the last time I saw him. That Liam was serious and had his 'I'm not dying for you' attitude. This Liam had an undying smile on his face accompanied by his glistening turquoise eyes.

Oh my god was I staring into his eyes? I shook my head saying a small "Hey Liam."

"How are you?" He asked.

"Uh I'm alright, getting better at least."

"Jeez give him some room to breathe babe!" There it was, that sickly sweet voice. Hayden Romero.

"Rude!" Liam whined and she laughed standing next to him.

"How are you feeling Theo."

"Great, just great." I said and she smiled. It made me want to vomit. I don't know why she annoyed me so much! Her presence just bothered me! And her and Liam! What a terrible couple I mean Liam deserves better, so much better like someone who doesn't look like a- what am I going on about? I rubbed my forehead trying to clear those thoughts from my mind.

"So when did you get back?" I asked and Hayden sighed.

"Me and my sister left after the ghost riders fiasco but I just missed everyone so much. Especially my Liam." She rested her head on his shoulder. I hummed and just nodded along glancing at Scott who was scratching the back of his head in the corner.

"Well I missed you too." Liam bopped her on the nose and it made me feel even more queasy.

"Well I'm glad your back together." I said through gritted teeth fake smiling.

"Well we need to head off but I'm glad you're feeling better Theo. It's so good to see you!" She said and I nodded.

"You two Hayden." She smiled as her and Liam walked to the door.

"Bye Theo!"

"Yeah bu bye now." I said and they disappeared. I looked at Scott swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

"Excuse me while I go vomit." I held onto the drip limping to the bathroom shutting the door pressing my back up against it. Why did that make me so angry? Hayden just pisses me off! She did when she was here before and she does now. What is that girl problem. 'I missed my Liam' ew disgusting.

"Theo you okay in there?" Scott called.

"Yeah I'm coming." I said opening the door again. I was greeted with at least 10 faces staring at me. My eyes went wide and I shut the door quickly. Shit shit shit! I thought for a moment taking a deep breath. Gotta go out there at some point. I opened the door again.

"Uhhh hi?" I said awkwardly holding onto the drip for balance.

"Theo Raeken." Malia said narrowing her eyes at me.

"That's my name..."

"Theo fricking Raeken why haven't you been in touch!" She said laughing. I breathed a sigh of relief making my way slowly back to the bed hauling myself back on it.

"Uh how are you guys?" I asked.

"How are we? how are you?" Kira said and I shrugged.

"Same old." I waved a hand dismissing the question.

"Uh I don't think being in the hospital with all these wires attached to you counts as 'same old'!" Stiles said putting his hands on his hips.

"And you're not healing." Derek added,

"Well..." I tried to think of an excuse but my mind went blank. "Since when do you care?"

"Since Parrish is the one who found you half dead in that apartment!" Aiden said and I frowned.

"You found me?" I asked softly looking at the Deputy.

"We got a call from a neighbour saying that they saw a young boy and an older man enter a house and only the man came out. She also said she heard something shatter. It was listed as unimportant but I had a bad feeling and checked up on it later. That's when I found you... I called an ambulance and brought you here." I looked down at my hands biting my lip.

"Thank you..." I said softly, "If you hadn't have come I'd probably be dead."

"Don't thank me, thank that lady who called us." I smiled.

"I will, don't worry."

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