The one and only

440 13 13

Things had sort of gone back to normal after the Isaac and Scott fiasco. Me and Liam were great, as were they. Mason and Corey were still going strong  as were Jackson and Ethan. Apparently Malia and Kira had some sort of connection, as did Lydia and Allison. Aiden and Parrish were also doing fine so life was great!

I had no worries. Sort of.

Heat. One of the unfortunate things about become a werewolf or chimera in my case was heat. Normally I could stick it out having no sexual desire for anyone but of course Liam Dunbar existed. Everyone was going through it, except for the humans of course but we weren't so lucky.

Scott and Isaac were doing it every chance they could get which didn't help what so ever, Ethan wouldn't shut up about the amazing sex he and Jackson were having at the moment and well, I wasn't.

No matter what I thought I still wasn't ready. I know it would be different, Liam being a hardcore bottom and all but just thinking about how it felt when... you know and knowing Liam would be feeling the same thing just put me off all together.

Liam was not doing well at all. Being one of the youngest and this being his first heat where he couldn't do anything was definitely hard for him. You have no idea how bad I felt, but it was very bad.

We'd tried to stay away from each other but being in the same pack and all, your bound to cross paths at least once a day. I nearly jumped on him at one point but walked away in an attempt to compose myself. It hardly worked.

Then it did happen and I couldn't stop it.

Scott had just called a pack meeting and everyone was expected to turn up. Everyone looked completely fine having something to fuck when they needed to me and Liam being the only exception. And they all knew that.

I tried to distance myself from Liam sitting at the counter as far away as possible ignoring the ache to be by his side until I just couldn't anymore. I slammed my hands on counter interrupting what Scott was saying marching over to Liam and grabbing his wrist.

"Everyone out." I snapped dragging Liam up the stairs with me. They all obliged straight away knowing what was going on and presumably went to Derek's. Liam didn't say anything as I pulled him into my room slamming the door behind us.

"Theo we don't-"

"No we don't. but I want to." I said cutting him off.

A/N: Hey uh author here I did previously write smut here but deleted it as I found it cringy but it is saved as a draft rn. If that's something you'd like to see and it will be a chapter at the end I think... just lmk!!

I lay down next to Liam running a hand through my hair.

"Well that was..."

"Absolutely fucking brilliant!" He said and I chuckled.

"Thank you." He said softly.

"For what?"

"Making me feel comfortable. I know that couldn't have been easy for you."

"Hey it's no big deal."

"No it is." He said squeezing my hand, "Your a special person Theo Raeken don't let anyone tell you different." I smiled.

"You're pretty amazing yourself Liam Dunbar. Should we shower?"

"Yeah... I just don't think I can move." He said looking at me with puppy dog eyes. I sat back up slowly.

"You have supernatural healing." 


"Fine." I stood up pulling my boxers back on then walking round to the side Liam was on. I picked him up in my arms and carried him to the bathroom turning the shower on.

War of hearts // ThiamWhere stories live. Discover now