Quick and painless

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"Why doesn't Hayden let you come out?"

"She's a little paranoid. She knows that I'm Bi and she feels even more threatened because I like both guys and girls. I'm with her a lot during the day."

"A little paranoid, I'd say that's a lot paranoid!"

"Yeah I guess..."

"I only got back together with her because I thought I still loved her-"

"Hold up you don't love her anymore?"

"I mean I do but I'm not in love with her anymore... at least I don't think I am."

"Why's that?"

"I met someone else."

"Oh?" I said,

"Yeah and I wanna tell them but I know I need to break up with Hayden first." He said and I sighed.

"You're right you do. She deserves to know." Liam nodded.

"Who's this new person then?"

"Well their smart, good looking. Very good looking." I laughed and Liam smiled, "Their also kind and a good friend when you get to know them."

"Well when can I meet this person who's very good looking?" I said and Liam sighed,

"I think you've come across them once or twice."

"Oh really? What do they look like?"

"Oh I can't tell you that, it's too much of a hint."

"Well when you tell them make sure to tell me too!"

"You'll be the first to know." He said and I smiled.

"They've also got a beautiful smile." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Liam you're so cheesy." He laughed sitting back in his chair.

"What about you?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow. "Any guys you've seen?"

"Oh believe me there's plenty. But none I'd actually date, dating is the thing I'm really scared of."

"How come?"

"I dunno, just committing to someone seems hard for me. Because how do I know I'm not going to hurt them? How do I know I'm not going to change back into old Theo and break their heart. Trust me that's the last thing I want."

"I think sometimes you just have to go for it. It's like ripping off a plaster. Quick and painless. Just ask them out and see how it goes."

"I need to find someone first." I said laughing.

"I'm sure you will, in time."

* * * *

Liam continued to come and see me the next few nights in a row. He's still not broke it off with Hayden yet and it was getting annoying.

"But isn't she really bugging you?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I just can't bring myself to hurt her like that. She's gonna be so upset."

"Sometimes you just have to go for it. Rip off the plaster, quick and painless."

"Pretty painful don't you think. And don't use my own words against me!" I laughed.

"Do you know when you get discharged" Liam asked changing the subject.

"It'll be in the next few days."

"Where are you gonna go?"

"Scott invited me to his and he, Melissa and Isaac wouldn't let me say no so I sort of have to go."

"Well it's good that you have a place to go."

"Yeah I guess but I am gonna miss the feeling of not having something to care about. Like before I could do anything and no one would care. But again that is something nice, I do have people who I care about and who care about me."

"True. How's walking now?"

"Alright, Melissa got me some crutches to use and I walked up and down the hall yesterday. It's not even like it hurts to walk anymore my legs just don't want to move and it just makes things harder." Liam nodded.

"Any progress on that person of yours?"

"What? Oh yeah their doing okay actually. I've been talking to them more recently."

"That's great! Do they know you're still dating Hayden?"

"Yeah... they don't actually know I like them get so it doesn't really affect them as much but they don't like it. They think I should dump her."

"I like this person whoever they are. They sound like me."

"Haha yeah."

"Make sure you don't leave the Hayden thing too late, because the person you like is gonna find out eventually how you feel and their not gonna be happy if you're still with her."

"Yeah. I'll do it soon."

"I'll leave so you can get some rest." Liam said and my smile faded.

"Please don't." I said and he raised an eyebrow. I cleared my throat.

"Uh I mean you can leave if you want to but i don't really care." I mentally face palmed.

"I think I'm gonna stay, not that you care or anything." He said chuckling,

"Yep definitely don't care." I said nodding. Liam smiled.

"You really are a strange person Theo Raeken."

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