I'm fine

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I was woken up the next morning by Isaac and Melissa bustling into my room quickly.

"Uh hey guys?" I said sitting up and yawning, Liam had left late last night so I hardly slept.

"We brought you some clothes to try on." Isaac said.

"Um why?"

"Because you're coming home soon and you need clothes to wear idiot!" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Where's Scott?" Isaac went rigid and Melissa scratched the top of her head.

"Scott's not coming."

"Oh why is he busy?"

"I don't know it's not like I watch his every move god Theo!" Isaac snapped and I was shocked.

"Isaac why don't you go get Theo something to eat." Melissa said and he nodded leaving.

"What was that about?" I asked and she sighed.

"Isaac and Scott got drunk on wolfsbane and well..." I covered my mouth.


"Yeah, luckily I wasn't there I was here but hey haven't spoken since. It's been really awkward..."

"Oh my god do the others know?" Melissa shook her head,

"I can't wait to tell-" I cut myself off and Melissa raised an eyebrow. She didn't exactly know that Liam snook in every night and I knew she would flip if she did.

"No one. I won't tell anyone." She narrowed her eyes at me then shrugged.

"You know I will find out Theo Raeken." She said and I rubbed my head.

"Yeah I know..."

"How are you feeling anyway?" She asked. There it was that dreaded question again.

"I'm fine."

"I need a little more than I'm fine. How is your head?"




"Theo come on."

"What I feel fine!"

"How's walking?"



"Fine it's hard to walk okay? My legs don't hurt so I don't know why I can't walk!"

"Does anywhere else hurt?"


"Theo don't lie to me."

"It's embarrassing..." I muttered and she sighed.

"Theo that's normal don't worry about it if it hurts to walk we can still use the crutches till you're feeling better." I nodded and Melissa sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Now I want to talk about what's going on up there." She pointed to my head and I shrugged.

"Same old..."


"What! I'm fine!"

"I'm going to ban that word in a minute. You are not fine. I can tell by the bags under your eyes that you're not getting enough sleep, you're even more aggressive that, you flinch when someone touches you most of the time and you zone out a lot. What are you thinking about." I took a deep breath looking down.

"I'm scared okay Melissa? I'm not healing. Not fast enough anyway and that means that I am pretty much human. The other night I tased Liam because I thought he was an intruder!"

"Wait what when was Liam here?"


"Theo when was Liam here?"

"He comes in at night. Hayden doesn't let him come in the day."

"I suppose he's the reason for the lack of sleep?"

"Not exactly... I have a fear of the dark anyway but recently all that fear has been heightened."

"I see."

"I just- Its not a big deal. I don't like being fussed over. I'm- okay."

"We don't have to make a fuss but I do need to know you're fit enough to go home."

"I am! I'm okay, it's just the walking that's the big issue."

"Good." She said just as Isaac came back in with the food.

"Now. Eat."

* * * *

"Oh my god did Scott tell you what happened!"

"No what happened!" Liam said. He had come again tonight and I was telling him what Melissa told me earlier.

"He and Isaac got drunk and slept together!" Liams mouth fell open.

"I mean I knew they had a thing for each other but oh my god! At least admit it to each other first!"

"Says you! You're the one who hasn't told that mystery person of yours that you like them!"

"I'm working on it! I see them every day now."

"Really? That's great..." I said,

"Yeah, but they still haven't caught on."


"I'm going to tell them soon I think. Like you said, they deserve to know."

"Yeah, yeah they do." I looked down at my hands as Liam started to talk about lacrosse. I hadn't thought about what would happen after Liam told that person he liked them, would he still come see me? He wouldn't need me after that... The more I thought about it the more I didn't want Liam to tell them. And it was then that I realised...

I didn't want Liam to like them. I wanted him to like me.

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