Accidentally of course

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"You killed her." I nodded and Liam sighed.

"You can't beat yourself up about it Theo."

"But I do. She was only 4 Liam." He sighed.

"We'll talk about it later okay? Everyone's coming round for the pack meeting and I dunno about you but I don't wanna tell them we're back together just yet." I nodded and Liam smiled softly at me.

"I love you." He said and my heart fluttered. I missed those words.

"I love you too Li." He pressed his forehead to mine breathing in deeply. Breathing in my scent. I did the same smelling his sweet smell, wood and roses.

"I gotta go. Remember, pretend you hate me." I rolled my eyes.

"I never hated you. I just was... scared I guess." Liam smiles at me.

"I know." He got up and grabbed his jacket. "I'll stay after the meeting, sneak in through your window or something okay?" I nodded and he smiled one last time before leaving. I heard the door shut downstairs and it told me he had gone. He'd be back in about five minutes when the meeting started.

"Uh Theo?" Scott came in and I tried to look annoyed.

"Why was Liam just here?" He asked. I scoffed.

"Came to give me some of my things back before the meeting."

"Oh like what?" I panicked.

"Just some things." I said. Scott shrugged.

"Okay people are arriving now so I'd come downstairs in a minute."

"Will do." Scott left and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank god." I got up from the bed leaving my room and trudging down the stairs. I always avoided eye contact with Liam so I did the same when he walked in not looking his way once though I desperately wanted to.

"So I think that's everything." Scott said, "As always you guys can stay for as long as you want."

"Scott I think I'm gonna go again." I rolled my eyes, true Theo pettiness.

"Theo is there a problem?" Liam asked surprising me.

"Uh yes. There is a problem." I said and Liam raised an eyebrow, "You should stay. What happened between us shouldn't affect your ability to hang out with the pack." Liam almost smiled but stopped himself just nodding.

"Okay I guess I'll stay then."

"Great!" Scott's eyes lit up. "Let's play some games, all of us." Few people groaned.

"I'm in." I said and a few people stared at me shocked including Liam.

"Things have changed since we broke up tiny wolf." Liam scowled and I could tell this one wasn't fake.

"Tiny wolf?" I nodded smugly.

"Game on Theodore." I scowled myself, Liam knew I hated that name. Stiles was loving the drama and bounded over to the living room.

"Let's play twister! And go in pairs!" He said and there was a few murmurs of excitement.

"Liam and Theo first." I narrowed my eyes at Liam.

"You're right Dunbar game on." Stiles was the spinner telling us where to put our hands and feet.

"Okay Theo right hand blue." I moved so I was hovering right next to Liams face.

"Tiny wolf?" He hissed and I smirked.

"Sorry Dunbar I just can't get enough." Liam scowled swiping at my wrist so I bent it the wrong way, it breaking and me collapsing to the floor in pain. I grit my teeth as people rushed over checking I was okay. I cracked the bones back into place gritting my teeth.

"I'm fine." I said narrowing my eyes at Liam.

"What other games you got?"

"Uhhh uno?" Scott said pulling out the pack of cards.

"Great." I ended up "accidentally" breaking Liams fingers in uno, him "accidentally" wacking me in the nose in charades making it bleed. "Accidentally" Stabbing me in the neck with the pencil in charades and me "accidentally" scratching him on the cheek with one of the black cards in cards against humanity.

Everyone just watched us, half amused, half horrified at us injuring each other.

"Hah! You landed on my property!" Liam said I raised an eyebrow slamming my hand down on the board so the metal characters flew up and hit him in the face along with the houses. Accidentally of course.

"Right that's it! What is going on!" Chris said and I turned to him. He looked pretty much traumatised by our behaviour.

"Nothing." We both said at the same time. Numerous cuts were healing themselves on Liams face as we spoke.

"Liams just a dick."

"Oh really? Well Theo's just a little crazy!" He said and I growled.

"Liams a liar!"

"Theo's an even bigger liar!" I lunged for him whispering a small.

"I'm sorry" in his ear as we rolled around on the floor. I pinned Liam down and lifted my claws up as if I was going to swipe at him, hearing the shouts and protests behind me. That's when I lost it bursting out laughing.

"Theo!" Liam said hitting me on the arm. "You ruined it!"

"I'm sorry your face just looked too funny!" I said and he scoffed.

"We couldn't even go 2 hours." He shook his head and I rolled off him falling on my back. My stomach hurting from my laughter.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Lydia shouted behind us.

"Oh right." I said sitting up.

"Surprise! We don't actually hate each other." Everyone gawped at us.

"I'm sorry what!" Parrish shouted.

"Yep, we're back together." There were sighs of relief around the room and everyone seemed to visibly relax at Liam's words.

"So this was all a prank?" Jackson asked.

"Yes Lizard. And you fell for it." I mocked and Jackson rolled his eyes.

"Really Theo? Little wolf!" Isaac said rolling his eyes.

"It just slipped out!"

"Yeah right." Malia scoffed.

"Shut up." I said laughing.

"You guys scared us there!" Allison said, "and you?" She pointed at me.

"I told you, you weren't over him!"

"Okay okay. Maybe you were right." I said holding my hands up in defense.

Everyone laughed. I smiled looking at Liam.

I was happy.

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