Chapter 3: The Clock is Ticking Indefinately

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"I hate this already," Technoblade deadpanned.

"Oh, come on." Mellohi rolled her eyes. "I'm sure it'll be fine. We'll get Dadza back, and then we'll go home."

The two had just exited the Nether hub, and were passing through the rebuilt community house. So much had changed over the years, and it had all flown by like birds in the wind. Speaking of which, Mellohi had involuntarily become the new mother of her father's crows. She constantly had at least one resting on her shoulder. At the moment, there were two on each, and one in her hair. A few others had made home on her backpack. She decided to collectively named them Chat, because she didn't want to name them individually.

"What do you think, Chat?" she asked the crows. "You think we'll be able to bring Dadza back?"

Half of them nodded, the other shook their heads.

"Oh, well," she sighed. "You guys were never great at making decisions anyway."

One of the crows pecked her head angrily. The Enderman glared at it.

"Mellohi," Techno murmured, his pace slowing. "We're here."

She glanced up, expression shifting to that of uneasy optimism at the sight of the ragtag group by the memorial. Every one of them—save for Puffy, who trusted the Enderman—had their weapons drawn.

"Why have you drawn your swords?" she asked with disappointment. "I told you I would bring my brother, but you have no reason to worry."

"No reason to worry?!" Tony snapped. "Technoblade killed almost every single one of us during the Doomsday War! He and Dream started the whole thing!"

"To be fair," Mellohi pointed out bitterly, "I was also fighting along side them. Obviously it was against my will, but you still trust me."

"'Obviously, it was against your will,'" Nat repeated.

"That's not the point!" the Enderman cried frustratedly. "We need his help! Techno is the only one on the server right now who has not lost a single life! He's stronger than any man, so I reckon he could take this titan you claim caused the Dusting!"

"Thanos is gone!" Tony snapped. "We don't need The Blade!"

"Well, too bad!" Mellohi was shouting at this point, something she rarely did. "I'm bringing him and you can't stop me!"

In a huff, she gripped her brother's hand and dragged him toward Snowchester's shore, passed the bewildered Avengers. Technoblade shrugged, not resisting as she tugged him along. As they neared the beach, she stopped abruptly. Techno wasn't prepared, and he crashed into her. She stumbled forward, and he gracefully snagged the cuff of her tunic.

"Sam," the Enderman barked, glancing back to see if he was following.

"What?" the Creeper replied coldly. It took one glance to recognize the plan forming in her eyes. "Oh, no. No no no. No way, no how."

"Oh, come on, Sam!" Mellohi whined. "We need him! You can come to monitor him, and besides, he's on his last life. If you need to kill him, so be it!"

"We are not taking Dream!" he exclaimed. "It's too dangerous! He's too dangerous! He has the ability to take over your mind, and whoever else's he can get his hands on! Absolutely not!"

"Who are we talking about?" Thor muttered.

"Dream," Sam responded. "He's the most dangerous person on the server."

"But I thought Technoblade was," Rocket remarked.

"The Blade is a master at physical violence," the Creeper explained gravely. "Dream is one of manipulation and evading capture. And little Mellohi here wants to let him loose."

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