Chapter 5: The Endgame

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If you asked Mellohi what it was like the moment the first shell struck, her answer would be as such: it was a sensory overload.

She was violently thrown against the far wall from the blast. Technoblade crashed into her, forcing the air from her lungs. That's when the rest of the shells hit.

It was like rain. The missiles beat against the compound like angry hail against a roof. Only this hail broke through. It tore the place apart, creating a hole to the basement. It swallowed the compound, dragging it and everyone inside along with. Mellohi crashed and scraped against loose rebar, jagged concrete, and broken glass as she fell. Her unconscious and bruised body hit the metal floor with a clang.


She was out for a few minutes. Not long. When she came to, it took a few moments to register that there were a lot of things wrong. Everything hurt. There was rubble blocking the easiest means of escape. She couldn't hear.

Mellohi sat up straight, regretting the decision with every fiber of her being as pain laced it's way up her body. She might've yelped. Screamed. Groaned. She couldn't tell.

Looking down, she determined the extremities of her wounds. Her clothes were shredded, revealing both surface and deep scratches. All were not fatal. Her head ached, and when she touched her temple, her hands came away sticky with blood. Feeling around a little more, she determined she scraped her head. She also found bumps beginning to form. Her nose was bleeding; it was disfigured as well. Broken. Finally, she checked her ears, discovering that her left ear was wet and red. She still couldn't hear out of her right, but that would fix itself in due time.

Exhaustion dripped down her limbs as she staggered to a stand. She glanced around, taking in her surroundings. She was in a tunnel with a metal floor. Each way was blocked by rubble, and a quick look told Mellohi that she wasn't getting through it any time soon. Above her was a gaping hole, revealing the darkening sky. There were precarious footholds on the metal and rock leading up. That was her only way out.

A little voice in the back of her mind told her to climb. Another said to teleport. A third scolded the other two and opted to wait for help. Hold on a second.

Hello? Mellohi thought.

"Did'ya miss us?"

Sebi? Lav? Dex?

"It's us!" Lavender exclaimed.

"We're back!" Dexter said joyously.

"We missed you, Mel!" Sebastian cried.

Where did you go?! she thought in confused excitement.

"I don't know," Sebastian replied. "It was weird."

"But we're back now!" Dex shouted.

Lavender paused.

What's wrong, Lav?

"Why are you thinking?" Lavender asked. "You never communicated through thoughts."

My ears have gone dead, she explained. I can't hear.


I suppose now isn't the time for pleasantries, the Enderman admitted. I need to get to Technoblade.

"The fastest way would be to teleport," Sebastian noted.

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