Chapter 8: Mellohi Isn't Dead (Surprisingly)

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A month had passed since Tony's funeral.

Mellohi, Technoblade, and Philza had gone back to their little empire in the Arctic. Of course, they stayed with Pepper for a few days, because she needed a little help adjusting. Steve returned the stones, and before that, Mellohi got to meet his best friend, Bucky. She had taken a like to him instantly, though she didn't know why. Perhaps it was his metal arm. Maybe the way he carried himself. It didn't matter. What was important was that they bonded because of Steve's retirement. When he was putting the stones back, he decided to settle down and start a life. He was an elderly man now, but he was happy. He gave his shield to his other friend, Sam, who dawned the title of Captain America. It was a new day. A new plot.

Pepper and Clint were constantly asking Mellohi to babysit. So instead of having Dr. Strange transport her everywhere, the Enderman decided it was time to leave the SMP. Obviously, her friends and family objected, but Mellohi thought it was time for her to explore the world and find her purpose. She didn't want to be Dream's puppet anymore. She didn't want to fight other people's wars anymore. She longed for something to be a part of. Something greater than herself. Something people would remember. And if it started out with babysitting, then so be it. Maybe she could start a training course. Whatever she was destined to do, she wanted to figure that out by herself. Of course she would visit the DreamSMP occasionally, but it was time for her to fly on her own.

"Are you absolutely, one hundred percent, plus ultra mega positive?" Tommy asked.

"Tommy, you've asked me that ten times already," Mellohi replied with a chuckle.

Her wounds were almost completely healed, aside for the occasional ache in her arm, or a rattling breath, though she would never be able to hear out of her left ear again. Her father still did an excellent job.

"We trust your decision, little Mellohi," Philza murmured as she shouldered his—now her—guitar. He brought her in for one final hug. "Just know that if you ever need us, there will always be a crow nearby. They know my name. You just have to say it."

"Thank you, Dadza," Mellohi whispered softly. Another weight rested on her back, and she laughed when she realized it was her big brother. "Hi, Techno."

"Do you have to go?" he whined.

"You're acting like Tommy," the Enderman pointed out in amusement.

"I am not!" The Blade retorted as Tommy screamed swear words.

"I love you, Tommy," Mellohi said, "but I am not going to miss your shouting."

Technoblade chuckled and stole his sister from Philza. He wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace. When he rested his head on her shoulder, she could feel his tears soaking through her shirt.

"Oh, Techno," she murmured. "I'll come back and visit soon!"

"I'm gonna miss you, kid," he mumbled.

"Are you crying, Blade?" Tubbo asked, a smile playing on his face.

"No!" he said much too fast as he swiped at his eyes. "You're crying!"

"It's true," Tubbo murmured with a tear in his eye.

Mellohi chortled. "Okay, guys, I really have to go. Dr. Strange is waiting outside for me."

"One last group hug!" Tommy exclaimed as he darted into the embrace. Philza and Tubbo joined as well, and Mellohi had trouble breathing. But she didn't care. She laughed and cried along with everyone when they let go.

"I love you guys," she whimpered joyfully.

"We love you too, Mellohi!" they all shouted as she staggered out the door. She met Strange at the foot of the stairs.

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