Chapter 7: Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart

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Philza sat on the window sill with a piece of parchment in his lap, a quill in his hand, and his eyes on his daughter. She was unconscious on the couch, with bandages wrapped around every inch of her body. Broken ribs, fractured arm, deep scratches. Thankfully, she was breathing, though just barely. Philza made sure to splash her with healing and regeneration potions every few hours, yet they hardly seemed to make a dent. He sighed and placed the parchment and quill beside him. His crows came fluttering onto his shoulders as he rose from his seat.

He crept over to the desk, pulling the chair over and sitting right next to Mellohi. He gently pushed the hair off of her forehead, staring sadly at her closed eyes.

"Oh, little Mellohi," he murmured. "I'm so sorry I couldn't get there sooner."

The crows settled down on Mellohi's stomach, cawing nervously.

"I know, Chat," Philza mumbled. "I'm worried about her, too. But there's nothing we can do but wait for her to wake up."

A soft groan escaped the Enderman's lips. Philza nearly had a heart attack as his frail daughter cracked open her eyes.

"" she whispered.

The crow hybrid was on his feet in an instant, grabbing healing and regen potions, along with a few god apples. He was right back at Mellohi's side as fast as he left.

"Save your strength, my child," he said fretfully, forcing her to drink the potions and eat the apples. Particles danced across her body as she released a sigh of relief. Philza practically melted into his seat with exhaustion. He let out a sweet and joyful laugh.

"Where's Techno?" Mellohi asked, attempting to sit up. Philza could see the strain in her face, and he gently pushed her back down.

"Don't try to sit up. You sustained some nasty injuries." The crow hybrid frowned. "Techno is still on the battlefield. I have no idea whether he's okay or not."

"He's still out there?!" The Enderman shot up, groaning when a wave of pain washed through her body.

"Mellohi! Are you alright? You can't be reckless like that! You took a lot of damage to your head and your balance is off because of your ear. I'm still not sure how you fought like that for so long!"

"Dadza, I need to get to Techno," she demanded, throwing her legs over the side of the couch and staggering to a stand. She fell right back down a moment later.

"Mellohi," Philza commanded. She paused, gazing at her feet. "I know you're worried about Techno. Believe me, I am as well. But I cannot allow you to go find him. Not with how much damage you've taken on. We don't even know where he is or how to get there. I'm sorry, but we just have to wait."

A thought struck her brain like a mallet to a gong. "Wait a moment."

"What is it?"

"You're here," she mumbled. "You're alive. Dadza, you're alive!!"

She pulled him into a weak yet tender hug. He wrapped his arms around her warily as she buried her head in his shoulder. "Yes, my child. I am alive."

"Wait!" She pulled away from her father, careful to avoid eye contact. "That means Tommy and Tubbo and Niki are back as well!"

"They are," Philza said.

"Why do you sound so sad?" Mellohi asked. Then it clicked. "Don't tell me they're out in that field right now."

The crow hybrid, for once, looked centuries older as he nodded. Mellohi blanched, and she scrambled to her feet. This time, she stayed aloft, though her balance was awful. She staggered to the door, using her good arm to grab anything she could reach for support.

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