Chapter 4: Operation Time Travel

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"Let's do this."

In a few days time, the entire machine was complete. It took twenty-four hours to find the exact locations of the infinity stones (which Mellohi was still confused about), so everyone took a day off for rest. Though, no one could. Nerves were too high, adrenaline a constant companion. It was the calm before the storm.

Mellohi sat cross legged in the moonlight that was seeping gently through the large windows of the compound. She and Technoblade—along with the other SMP members—hadn't a place to rest, so the Avengers let them reside in the compound.

Of course, none of them could sleep. Mellohi tried, but the nightmares wouldn't leave her be. Technoblade pretended not to stir when she crept to the machine's room. He knew she need to be alone.

The Enderman gently untied her blindfold and placed it next to her as she sketched idly on her paper. Thoughts plagued her mind. She never seemed to be able to catch a break.

Over the course of those lonely five years, Mellohi started to draw. She soon found out it was quite relaxing, even though she wasn't good at it to start. Now, as her pencil scratched the page, she realized her skills had become more honed. Staring up at her was a visage she didn't recognize. It was a man this time, with fluffy brown hair, simple round glasses, and a crooked grin. But not like hers. His smile was the sort of wicked that only festered inside a storybook villain. Perhaps that's what he was. Then again, Mellohi didn't know his backstory. He could've been a kind man, who lost something dear to his heart. Or perhaps just someone who was crushed by grief. Mellohi wouldn't know. He was only a drawing, after all.

She sighed and set the sketchbook beside her. She gnawed on her pencil absentmindedly, staring at the stars. She didn't know what to think. So she spoke instead.

"Hey, Tommy," she murmured. "Dadza. Tubbo. Niki. I really miss you."

Clouds had drifted lazily over the moon, shrouding Mellohi in shadows. The Enderman shivered, suddenly realizing just how lonely she really was.

"The time trial is tomorrow," she said to the sky. "Techno said I'm not allowed to go. That's okay. I'm just nervous. I mean, what if we don't get the stones? Or worse, what if someone doesn't come back?"

Pulling her knees to her chin, Mellohi allowed all of her troubles to spill out, the jar of her soul tipped over by an invisible force. Perhaps she was finally going insane. After all, the only things that heard her voice were the ghosts in the stars.

"I know you wouldn't want me to worry." Her eyes stung. "But I just can't help it! I'm scared, and I miss you so much it hurts!"

Like a slashing blade, the first tear shot down her cheek. Her eyes widened in an attempt to stop them.

"No, no, no, no, no!" She clutched her head, burying it deep under her arms. "Not now!"

Mellohi's mind was numb to the pain. Often, she'd wander around aimlessly, wondering what she did to deserve this. The first night after the memorial was built, she had woken up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. She crept down the ladder in the cabin, but one glance at Philza's jar was all it took to send her vision down a tunnel and her brain into a wreck. Techno didn't know how to help, so he sent her to Puffy, who had voluntarily become the therapist for the SMP. She unofficially diagnosed Mellohi with anxiety. The sheep instructed the Enderman on how to react to a panic attack, and to Techno she explained how to help. She hadn't had one for many years after the first few.

Now, the poor child was shoved back into her younger self, shivering and crying in a cold sweat on the floor. Struggling to breathe, the poor Enderman curled up into a tight ball. She wanted, no, needed her brother, but her voice refused to cry out. She was unfortunately and undoubtedly alone.

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