Captain's Log

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Space, the final frontier. 127 Crew have been in space for about 35 months now. They have explored seventy planets and six solar systems. They have sampled thousands of rocks and plants ranging in shape, size, and color. Not once has the ship been under attack or been in need of repair. All thanks to their engineer Kim Jungwoo. Taeyong commends Jungwoo on his work every chance he gets(along with literally the entire crew, who love the boy very much). He graduated top of his class in the academy and has outsmarted pros who have been in the field for decades. He is just a brain that can't be beat. Recently, Taeyong informed his crew of the Dream Ship. They didn't pose any immediate threat, in fact he discovered them through a fan message.
The message began with a buzz on the screen, then two boys who looked to be in their teens showed up, eyes bright and practically screamed at the camera, "Hello Taeyong~ and rest of 127 crew! We are a new ship who are super inspired by you guys to go up to space! We even built our own ship! Eeeh, kinda built our own ship"
Another one chimed in, "Jungwoo hyung made it!" The whole crew slowly turned to look at the black haired engineer. He giggled shyly and backed out of the room.
They continued, " We are big fans! Please take good care of us~" Now there were four more boys and they were all waving, smiling brightly. The video cut off and the ship was filled with guys either murmuring or cooing. The captain of the ship sighed, " That was...heartwarming. Anyways, back to your posts, we're going into hyperdrive in forty minutes. Yuta, Taeil, set a course for the third quadrant, 365. I need to have a word with our engineer." Taeyong was about to leave the bridge when he was stopped by his first mate, Johnny.
"Everything okay, captain? Do you want assistance?" he asked.
"No, you watch the keep watch on deck, I'll ben up in less than an hour. Call me if anything happens." Johnny nodded and turned swiftly on his heels back to his position next to the captain's chair.
"Captain leaving the bridge!" He announced. The crew all stood up until the captain acknowledged and left.

"Jungwoo?" Taeyong walked down a dark corridor that lead to the engine room of the ship, where Jungwoo would be seen hanging out the most with his alien friend, Snoopy. (Yes, an alien with the name Snoopy.) Taeyong turned the corner to see the younger playing cards with Snoopy. He was laughing and bright as ever. Until he saw Taeyong's face.
"Hey, captain" He said softly, putting down his cards.
Taeyong pulled up a chair and motioned for Snoopy to leave them alone. Once the creature left, he looked Jungwoo in the eyes for a good minute.
"Why wasn't I made aware of this 'Dream Ship'?" He asked sternly. Jungwoo flinched,
"Ah, about that..." he fiddled with a finger trap for a few seconds until he looked back up at the captain. "They're so cute, hyung! How could I say no to that! They're all hard working boys who look up to us. I admire that. So when they reached me about their ship I was there within two days becau-"
"...because they're so cute I need to help some kids I don't even known build an entire spacecraft and not tell my captain a single word about it?" he said, voice monotone and cold.
The engineer shrunk in his seat. "Y-yeah..." he mumbled. Taeyong nodded and stood up, "Ok, thanks for telling me now though. You're one of my best crewmates, I wouldn't expect anything less from you." He patted him on the shoulder, "Wow, look at the time. We're leaving in ten, come up soon or your head will melt off." and with that, he left.
Jungwoo sat back in his chair for a minute to process what had just happened. Moments later their translator, Mark ran in the room panting.
"Why the hell is the engine room so far away from the bridge?" he whined. Jungwoo let out a cackle and walked over to the younger.
"What's up?" Jungwoo said.
"What do you mean, 'what's up'? I nearly shat myself back there. Can you imagine the hell I would get if Taeyong found out I was captain of another ship?" he whisper yelled. Jungwoo chuckled and pinched the youngers cheeks,
"You're lucky you're so adorable. I could have you thrown out in space within seconds But you known I'd never do that, right? Who's your favorite hyung?~" he cooed.
"You are, only because you save my ass and give me food" Mark huffed.
"Precisely, now get out of my engine room, please. Before we-" Jungwoo was cut off by a horrendous roaring sound. Jungwoos communicator sounded,
"Woo, where the hell are you?" Doyoung asked, his voice laced with irritation.
"Give us a minute! We're coming don't melt our heads off!" Jungwoo yelled into the communicator. He and Mark ran back up to the main part of the ship at the speed of light.

authors note: This is my first time writing in a while, I'm so nervous!! Thank you so much for giving me support, I really appreciate it! I hope you have an amazing day. Take care of yourself, stay hydrated, I love you!

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