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"MY BABY" Ten embraced their engineer tightly before getting hit in the head with a coke can.
"Move!" Kun stomped angrily past his embarrassment of a shipmate to check on their youngest
"Did they do anything to you? What kind of horrible torture did they put you through?" Kun worridley bombarded the engineer with questions.
"Holy shit your hair!" Lucas exclaimed.
Yangyang's hair was now, infact, a bright green color.
"What? What's wrong?" The lime haired boy asked.
"This" Sicheng grabbed a mirror and shoved it in his face.
"Ooohh, that'll go away in a few hours. It must be a side effect of their fancy transporter system. I guess not everyone is perfect..." Yangyang said before he made his way back down to the engineering room.

A silence fell over the room. The crew wanted to move, to do anything, but everyone was too scared to make a peep.
"So that's it?" Hendery finally broke the silence.
A pause.
Kun spoke up, voice laced with irritation, "Everyone back to your stations, Ten, get me back online with 127 Crew"
"Yeah" Ten said, letting out a huff.
"Yeah?" Kun repeated, stopping his first mate with his hand.
"Yeaaahss sir" he said quickly and walked back to his chair.

"127 Crew!" The pink haired captain said to the giant screen before him.
"What?" Taeyong answered, busy looking at something his crewmate was showing him.
"You've given us our man unharmed. Technically. And we would like you to leave! Now!"
"We were just planning to leave now, actually before you stopped us," Doyoung said.
"Excellent!" replied Kun, ignoring the sassy response from the other ship's medic.
"'Excellent?', who does he think he is, some Disney villain?" Ten said to Hendery, who were both standing behind him loudly eating some kind of alien candy they picked up.
Kun ground his teeth, trying to fight back the overwhelming urge to smack his crewmates before giving a farewell and ending the call.
"What is with you today? Is it an intergalactic 'annoy your captain day' today or something?" Kun said before standing up. "I'm going to get food, Ten, I... hesitantly give you the chair" Kun turned to Winwin, "and if he doesn't show ability give it to Winwin. Xiaojun? Come with me" The purple haired crewmate nodded in acknowledgment and stood up to follow their captain.
The second the doors closed, the rest of the crew huddled together.
"What do you think he went through? He seemed a little preoccupied right? I'm not going crazy, am I?" Lucas said.
"No I agree," Ten nodded his head.
"I bet they mind controlled him and now he's going to look for all of our secrets to revela our weaknesses to the corps!" Hendery chimed in, "we should ask him questions then blow up the 127 Crew to send a message to never mess with WayV Fighter ever again!"
Ten flinched, "That's a little much but I like the energy."

"Let's go." Taeyong rubbed his temples and plopped down in his chair.
"Alright let's get outta here" Taeil said.
"Hold on, we're going- What's that?" Johnny asked.
The rest of the crew stood up one after another, watching as a ship (that looked suspiciously similar to the model of their own) entered the atmosphere.
"Hey guys I got the warp core ready, why aren't we- shit" Jungwoo stood stunned.

It was none other than the Dream Ship.

"NCT -Dream? What are they doing on this side of the moons?-" Jaehyun said, and turned to Jungwoo.
The lean engineer was still in shock, his eyes shaking.
"Oh god. Oh fuck." He murmured to himself.
"Get in contact with that ship! Now!" Taeyong barked.
Jaehyun nodded and quickly began pushing buttons to get in contact with the vessel.
However, before they could even get contact, the ship warped out of their sight, almost as if it didn't want to be recognized.
"Great! We have WayV Fighter and make sure the kids don't die?! I just want to collect plants I'm tired!" Taeyong huffed to himself and stomped off the bridge to get some air. "Johnny, you have the con"
The taller man nodded and made his way to the chair. He silently celebrated. He loved the chair.

Jungwoo hurridley followed behind their captain, formulating any excuse that would make him forget about Dream Ship and assume they were just stargazing.

"Shitshitshitshit" Mark worridley paced the room, biting his nails.
"Oh calm down, Jaemin was able to warp us out before they even had contact! We're cool man! 127 Ship don't see us as a threat at all, if anything, we're just a bunch of kids to them." Haehcan said, in a sad attempt to comfort their captain.
"Jungwoo is gonna be so pissed!" Mark began mumbling incoherently to himself, trying to work out their predicament.
"I hope you don't regret doing this cause if you can't do anything about it now." Chenle said without looking up, he was preoccupied with a video game.
The other crewmates seemed very unphased by being seen by the ship that would cause them the most trouble upon discovering them, specifically Mark, as the captain.
Mark's anxious chanting was interrupted by his communicator going off.
He hesitantly opened it, treating it as if it was a bomb that would go off at any second, "Y-yes?"
"Mark! What the hell!?" The voice on the other line was none other than his older brother.
"Don't tell anyone about this. We're doing something very important and Taeyong can not know about it, got it?" Mark said.
"You're barely in a position to be giving me orders right now, Mark." The older one said.
"Who's a captain?" Mark was doing his best to feign indifference but it wasn't working well. All came apart when the person on the other line began to laugh.
"That's low, even for you. Fine. I've stuck my neck out for you and you do this. I'll cover for you for as long as I can but I'm not gonna help when you eventually get caught. You know the penalty for mutiny." With that, he hung up before the red haired captain could thank him.
"You okay, captain? You look unwell, sit down," Jeno helped Mark sit down in his captains chair and Chenle stopped drinking his juice to hand it to his captain.
"Let's just...let's go. Set course for Earth." Mark said.
"You got it" Renjun said and ran to his station and put in coordinates.
There was a low rumble, then a high pitched tone before the ship began warp. As they began cruising, the young explorers looked at the monitor in awe as they saw galaxies zipping by.
"I've never been this far out before, it's so exciting to not be stuck in the same place!" Jisung said.
"Yeah! Oh! Look at that!" Chenle pointed to a stream of purple that flashed by. As the youngest were excitedly pointing and talking to each other as they moved, the older crew members began working on their stations (for the first time in months.)
"Earth will be so different. I mean, while we were in space hundreds of years must've passed by now, right? I bet it's good as new!" Jaemin said.
"I wonder if they still have kimchi there..." Jeno murmured.
"And noodles" Renjun sighed dreamily at the prospect of eating earth food once again.
"Let's not get too excited," the firstmate said, "we still don't know if we're gonna make it before 127 Crew kill our captain for abandoning his post"
Silence fell over the cabin.
"Thanks, Haechan, very supportive" Mark sneered and busied himself with plans to keep him from lashing out.
He didn't want to be short with his members cause right now, he needed them more than anything. He was also unsure of the path that awaited them and Haechan knew that there is only a slim chance of them making it to Earth alive. He just had to pretend that everything was okay, then maybe he could finally show his older brothers that he could be just as strong as they are. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2021 ⏰

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