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"Hey, you know you can't use that here, right? Are you stupid or something?"
Doyoung hit Johnny on the head lightly. The elder put his gun away solemnly,
"You never know what could happen, plus, it's kind of my job.." he said.
"To what? Shoot any alien gas ball that tries to attack us? You'll blow up the whole planet!"
Doyoung dramatically waved his arms around, symbolizing an explosion.
"Ah, you're really asking for it!" Johnny balled a fist and shook it at the medic.

Taeyong and his navigator were a few leagues ahead of the two bickering. Yuta was pointing Taeyong to which samples they needed and which ends of that particular planet were dangerous. Taeyong wrote down furiously in his journal everything he was being told.

"Captain!!" Mark called, running off the ship.
"Eh?" Taeyong could barely look behind until he was face to face with his youngest crew member.
"Kid, slow down you're going to make your head explode" he laughed.
"You almost forgot this," Mark lifted up a bag that held the glass sample holders. Taeyong cursed under his breath and grabbed the bag, making sure to thank the younger.

"We're making really good progress, we've collected more valuable specimens in the past month that we have in the past year!" Taeyong marveled, looking at his data.
"I wouldn't say you have every valuable specimen unless you add me!" a voice came from behind a crater.
Yuta facepalmed, followed by Taeyong letting out a long groan.
"The one and only!" the small boy jumped out from behind the rock. Shortly after two other boys fell over behind him in a... compromising position.
"Idiots! I didn't introduce you yet!" Ten explained.
"Sorry Ten.." Yangyang and Hendery nervously laughed and stood up. The two shyly looking to the members of 127 Crew.
"What brings you here?" Doyoung asked.
"Yeah, state your purpose" Johnny pulled out his handgun, earning a gasp from the three.
"He never listens.." Doyoung whispered to himself.
"Kun told me to come down and make sure ya'll weren't doing anything too sus," Ten began.
"Did he just say 'sus'?" Mark asked Johnny.
"I think so" the older replied.
"Shut up! I have ears, you know! Anyways, I came down to report and these two buffoons wanted to hitch a ride. It's cleaning day." He motioned over to the two boys who were playing patty cake off to the side.
"So this is the crew of the most feared ship in space? You should be ashamed.." Yuta said.
"Can we not have one relaxing day, Yuta-san?" Ten giggled.
Yuta growled and made a move towards him only to be stopped by Doyoung.
"Don't get fired up, he's just messing." he said.
"Sure are! Well, we should be going now. Some of us have work ya know? Catch you later, 127 Crew!" Ten smiled to the group and walked away.
"Come on, kids." He gathered the two who were play fighting and they all stood still,
"Winwin, beam us up." A bright light illuminated them and they were gone. Well..

"What the hell!?" Yangyang screechd.
"That..wasn't expected." Mark said.
"Winwin!" he yelled into his communicator, "the ship is in mint condition I just repaired the teleportation device yesterday! Get me out of here, this is embarrassing!"
The boy was now running around in circles.
Taeyong wasn't too close but he could make out on the communicator, "won't budge...four hours"
To that, the younger screamed and fell to the ground.
"You asshole! Lucas set you up, didn't he? I know you'd never do this! Or was it Ten? When I get my hands on him I'm gonna-"
"Hey uh, you can hang out on our ship if you want. Too much time on this planet can result in severe lung damage." Taeyong offered.
The younger looked at him, suspicious.
"Give me your communicator," Taeyong approached him, causing Yangyang to jump back,
"Like hell I will!"
"Please," Taeyong gave him his best puppy eyes. The young engineer huffed and silently handed his communicator over to the captain.
"This is Taeyong, captain of 127 crew. We'll take in this kid,"
"My names Yangyang!"
"Yangyang, to prevent him from dying but only if you let us stay by your sector for that time. If not, then we'll leave him to die until your faulty teleportation system gets back up and running." Taeyong sat and waited for the other side to pick up again.

Winwin looked over to Kun who overheard the other captain's proposition.
"He's got a point.." Winwin said softly.
"Sadly, I agree. This'll have to do until we can get the systems up and running but I don't know how we can get it up without our engineer-" Kun muttered.
"I'll do it," Xiaojun entered the room, " I trained with Yangyang for three yeas in the engineering department until I realized it was a living hell. I'll get it fixed in about two hours."
"You," Kun pointed to the medic, "Are a godsend, and get out of my chair, please!"
The younger shrugged and walked out of the room. Kun turned back to Winwin and asked for the mic,
"Alright, two hours. Then you give us back our engineer and get out. Don't damage him, he's the best in the field."
Taeyong grinned, "Sure this, Kun. Taeyong out." He turned off the communicator and motioned for Yangyang to follow them back to their ship.
The younger groaned, he was blessed with the most talented and idiotic shipmates in the galaxy. He wouldn't forget this.

Kun huffed and plopped down into his chair. He heard the doors to the bridge open behind him,
"Hey, Kun. Haha, crazy story! So we went onto that little gas giant down there and you wouldn't believe what happ-shit!"
"You fools! How could you lose your engineer? He was right next to you! Now he's on the 127 Crew who knows what'll become of him" Kun hit the two upside the head.
Ten chuckled and smacked him on the shoulder, "Yeah, wouldn't want him to get poison ivy or anything." Hendery laughed with him.
"Please go back to your stations. Ten, help Xiaojun it's the least you can do. Don't say a word to me until this is all resolved unless you want to get launched into uncharted space." With that, the captain turned back around and didn't speak.

"Follow me, Yangyang." Johnny led the younger to the bridge.
"What's up with your shp design anyways? It looks like a 1990s Chuc-ee-cheese's." Yangyang snickered.
"You speak English?" Johnny paused.
"Yeah, wait, you're not using a translator right now?" Yangyang's eyes widened.
"No, I thought Ten was the only one who could speak English."
"Dude, cool!" Yangyang said, the two high-fived.
"Seriously though, who designed this thing? It's got tech even I haven't seen" Yangyang gazed upon the machines on the ship, eyes sparkling.
Johnny smiled, "That's all our engineer, Jungwoo. We got lucky to have him on our ship."
" mean Kim Jungwoo?!" Yangyang exclaimed.
"He was the top of all the classes, aced every test and created a new engine that changed space exploration forever! He's a legend!"
"Woah, really? Who knew, I thought he just made it this far from building our ship and being cute." the older laughed.
"Is he here now?" Yangyang pulled on Johnny's sleeve excitedly.
"Yeah, I'll take you down to the engine room."

authors note: thank you so much for reading! comment or like if you enjoyed it! Which ship do you like  most so far? In the next chapter, see how the two best engineers in space interact! Also, the Dreamies ask for advice from their captain.

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