Idiots in Space

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Captain's log, stardate 500109. We entered the sm nebula at early morning, Yuta said that we will drift until we come to the nearest planet. I have tasked my crew with finding a rare species of plant that can only be found on Earth. We have experienced a few bumps along the way, nothing Jungwoo can't handle, though. I have talked with Johnny for endless hours about our plans for the next few months. To make our trek even more interesting, a ship filled with kids called "Dream Ship" have been keeping constant communication with us. They all seem very excited and my crew have been nothing but enthusiastic to teach them how to man a ship properly. That is it for TY's log, peace out skrr skrr

Once he finished his log, Taeyong closed his computer and made his way out of his cabin. He was met with Mark standing outside his door. His face was soft and full of concern.
"Captain," he saluted, "we received an incoming message from Wayv Fighter."
Taeyong tensed. He shiver ran down his spine, he felt as if he was splashed with freezing water all over him.
"Wh-what do they want?" he said.
The younger shrugged, "They said they won't speak until the captain is on the bridge." The captain pondered a moment until he signaled for the younger to leave.

As he made his way to the bridge, a million thoughts ran through his head. What could the most feared pirates in space want? Will they take his ship? Even worse his crew? He pondered and stopped a foot short of the door. He took a deep breath and went onto the bridge.
"Captain, Kun is on standby, he wants to talk with you" Jaehyun said.

"Put him on" Taeyong responded. He moved his shoulder forward and back, to inspire some sort of confidence.

A pink haired man showed up on screen, he had a devious smile, "Hello, Taeyong, captain of 127 Crew." he spoke, voice warm.

"Good evening." Taeyong replied.

"It has come to my attention that your ship has been steering a course directly into our territory. As one of the highest ranking captains I thought you'd be aware of something like this, but maybe it was just a mess up." Kun looked down to scan the room and looked Taeyong in the eyes once more, "but if my suspicions are correct and your little crew are on a course into our quadrant I would like to kindly ask you to leave befo-"

"No need to worry, captain. I am well aware of our position and you and I both know there's still a good thousand miles between us and your sector now if you will excuse me, I have an expedition to lead down on that little brown planet just a few hundred miles beneath us."
With that, Taeyong told Jaehyun to end the call. Once it was over every pair of eyes in the room was fixed on the ship's captain.

"Johnny, get Doyoung up here, we'll need him."
"Rodger." Johnny replied and swiftly walked out of the room.
"Get back to it, everyone. We still have about..Yuta?" he looked over to the ship's navigator, who silently put up ten fingers in response.
"Ten minutes until touch down, we want this to run smoothly and painlessly." he looked down and mumbled under his breath, "hopefully without Kun getting territorial"
"Jaehyun, inform Johnny, Doyoung, Mark and Yuta that they will be joining me on the ground."
"Yes sir"
"Taeil, begin descent" Taeyong ordered.
"You got it" the older said with a smile.
As they floated lower and came eye level with the big brown dust ball in front of them, the captain marveled. "Hello, beautiful.

"Yangyang! You rascal, give it back!"
"But Teeen I need it for something!"
"Over my dead body, give me my airpods!"
"You'll have to catch me first"
"Arrrgg, I'm gonna kill you!"

As the two bickered and ran around the floor, the crew of the WayV fighter were experiencing another normal day on board. The ship started off small but began to grow in size and purpose as they began their empire. The crew stayed the same size, a few friends come and go. The ship favorites have been none other than Lucas' best friends Jackson and his little brother Chenle.

"Listen, Lucas. You're an amazing weapons man and I don't deny that you're the best at what you do but you need to stop inviting your 'besties' on board for drinks. It'll soil our reputation."

"Oh, okay captain no fun pants. God forbid I try and have some fun around here"
The younger was met with a cold glare. He nervously pushed turquoise locks out of his eyes and giggled, "you know I'm kidding, Kun. I just want to have a good time and it's really hard when you've been cooped up in a spaceship for four years."

Kun sighed, there was absolutely nothing he could do to argue against that because it was what they were all thinking.

"Hey, I know this mission has been hard but once we've met our goal we can all go back home and you'll look back on this as the greatest thing you've ever done. I'm proud of you for sticking with us because..." a loud screech was heard down the corridor followed by Hendery running fast enough to win an Olympic gold medal. "It can be hard sometimes..."

Lucas let out a hearty laugh and patted the older on the back, "I wouldn't give this up for anything." He smiled brightly.

Kun made his way to the bridge to be met with a panicked Winwin.
"Captain, there's a-"
"Kun! There you are! Tell this kid to give me my airpods back, I'm sick of these games" Ten whined and grabbed onto his sleeve.

Kun deeply sighed, just another day.
"I regret taking you two to Earth, remind me next time we go to the milky way to leave you on Pluto or something"
Ten let out a shocked sound that made Xiaojun burst into fits of laughter.
"It's like I'm commanding a circus but instead of a tent we're all stuck on a tightly compacted vessel in the middle of uncharted space...jesus." Kun continued mumbling to himself until he was shaken by Winwin once more.
"Captain! It's urgent!" He said, soft voice laced with irritation.
"Yes, what is it?"
"Look," Winwin pointed to his screen that showed a lime green ship nearing them. Kun squinted his eyes,
"can you zoom in on that?"
"Son of a gun" Kun huffed. On the side of the horridly painted ship were big letters "NCT- 127".
"Ten, get me online with that ship" he looked over to where his first mate should be standing at all times only to see Xiaojun sitting in his chair eating a granola bar.
"Xiaojun..where's Ten?" Kun spoke slowly, trying not to show his anger.
"He ran after Yangyang in the right wing" the younger said without looking up.
Kun took a step to beat the daylights out of his right-hand man until sudden realization hit.

"Winwin! Where the hell is Hendery?! Why are you doing his job?"

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