Chapter 1

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     “Flight 436A to Sarasota, Florida is now boarding.” My eyes shoot open from the startling noise that comes from the overhead speaker. I stretch before climbing out of my seat, resulting in me cringing from the bright light coming from the large window in front of me. Trying my best to blink the sleep out of my eyes, I grab my carry on and start digging through it; in search of my boarding pass.

I find it at the bottom of my bag, (How it got there, the world may never know) and pull it out getting into the line. I slowly, but surely get to the front, handing the boarding pass to the flight attendant. She ruffles her eyebrows and looks up at me.

“You do know this is a first class ticket right?” She asks with a smile. Nodding, I look at her confusingly.

“We called first class riders up a few minutes ago. Good thing you’re here though, I was about to give your seat away.” She smiles and scans my ticket.

“Have a good flight.” She smiles and hands my pass back to me, as she turns to the person behind me. I walk through the jet way, pulling out my phone and putting it on silent. I enter the plane and walk up to my seat, shoving my bag under my seat and putting my headphones in.

-6 Hours Later-

     I walk out of the airport and put my sunglasses on. Rolling my luggage towards the curb, I sit on it, pulling out my phone and looking through twitter, before hearing a car horn. I look up and see Alli smiling at me. I get off my luggage and put it in the trunk, before plopping into the passenger seat.

“So.” I sigh. “How have you been?” I ask, looking over at one of my best friends.

“Good. What about you? You look like you’ve been to the desert and back.” She giggles as I glare at her behind my sunglasses. I sarcastically laugh before rubbing my eyes.

“I’m just tired. I stayed up till 3 in the morning last night finishing the vlog, and then had to get up at 5 to make it to my 6 o’clock flight this morning.” She cringes before peeking around me and changing lanes. “I slept on the plane and at the airport a little but it wasn’t very good sleep.”

“You sound like Charles.” She shakes her head. “You guys are going to die from sleep deprivation.”

“I doubt that.” I laugh. “He might, but I won’t. You seemed to forget that I got to bed at 12:00 every night and wake up at 6:00. That’s not too bad.”

“You’re still not getting the full eight hours of sleep that you need.” She says.

“Shhhh, nobody has to know that.” She giggles before turning into her driveway. I get my stuff out of the car and step into the house, greeting Charles who is sitting on the couch on his laptop. Setting my stuff down, I go and plop down beside him.

“Whatcha doin.” I ask and look at his computer screen.

“Uhh, Nothing.” He quickly closes the tab and pretends to be scrolling through twitter.

“Alright.” I squint at him before getting up and putting m stuff in their guest room, which I’ve fallen in love with the last few times I’ve stayed here. I slowly close the door and pull out my laptop, pulling up Tumblr and starting to scroll.

-7 Hours Later-

So, in the past few hours I’ve vlogged, ate dinner, scrolled through social media, and played video games with Charles and Alli. I recently quit playing and have retreated back to my room to peacefully scroll through Tumblr…At least that what I thought I was going to be doing.

I was just scrolling through Tumblr, having a grand time, when all of a sudden I hear Charles and Alli start screaming at each other. I try to ignore them, but it gets to be too much, and I finally walk out of the room.

I walk into the kitchen and almost cripple away in fear of what I saw. I have never, in my whole entire life, seen two people more mad at each other than Charles and Alli were at that very moment. I shook my head as I watch the fight get worse and worse, when I finally decide that I can’t take it anymore.

“Enough.” I say loudly enough where I’m not screaming, but they can hear me. They both whip their head around to look at me. I start tapping my foot on the ground like a mom would do.

“Sit.” They hurriedly sat at the table and looked up at me with pleading eyes.

“Why were you guys fighting.” I simply ask. “And one at a time. Charles go first.”

He explains why they were fighting, and it was literally the stupidest reason I have ever heard of. I start laughing my head off, because I refuse to believe that they were screaming at each other over that.

“You guys were seriously having a screaming match at each other because Zoey left something on the floor and Charles didn’t clean it up?” I laugh harder as I say it, almost to the point where I’m crying.

“Well, I’m always cleaning up after the dogs but they aren’t even MY dogs they’re Charles’ dogs. I shouldn’t have to clean up after them.” She crosses her arms as she explains.

“I get that, but you guys shouldn’t have been screaming at each other for that. That’s an argument siblings would have, not a married couple.” I state.

“We aren’t a ‘Normal’ married couple.” Charles states, trying to get out of this.

“It doesn’t matter. You shouldn’t be fighting in the first place. And don’t even try to tell me it was a ‘heated discussion’; I’ve seen one of those and what you guys were just doing, was not that.” I state as I start to walk away.

Charles begins to speak but I just hold up my hand and keep walking. That didn’t just happen; they weren’t just fighting. I jump onto the bed and try to comprehend what just happened. I fall asleep whilst doing so.

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