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Peter and Janet were playing on their PlayStation when the phone rang. It was Pam ringing to call a meeting of the secret seven. How unusual they thought since Pam very rarely called a meeting in fact Pam very rarely did anything at all. Peter had even told Pam that she was the weakest member which upset poor Pam and made her cry. But they already had Barbara and Pam wasn't really needed since Pam and Barbara were just really the same. In fact, Peter hated to admit it but surely Jack's sister Susie had more personality than Pam or Barbara and was smarter than either of them. It was just a shame that Jack and Peter refused to let Susie join and how Susie always wound them up so much

''It's very important we have a meeting'' Pam said to Peter ''I have important news for you all''

''ok Pam I'll let the others know about it and we'll call a meeting for 7 pm'' Peter said and ended the call

''Well how intriguing'' he said to Janet ''Pam wants to call a meeting''

''But Pam never calls a meeting!'' Janet said stunned 

''I know, I am very surprised too, She says she has important news ''

''Maybe she stumbled across another adventure for us to solve?'' Janet suggested

''Shouldn't think so'' Peter said trying not to laugh ''This is Pam we're talking about remember. ''she wouldn't even notice an adventure if it was happening right under her nose''  

''Oh Pete you're so mean to Pam you really are''

''I know but I can't help it, sometimes I want to dismiss Pam from the group!''

''But if we did that we wouldn't be the secret seven anymore!'' Janet said gasping with shock

''It's ok I only imagine doing it but I never would do it. Anyway I'll let the others know about the meeting, I hope they remembered their passwords'' 

Peter got his phone out and started to WhatsApp the others

It had been a while since they last had a meeting, and Janet was concerned that some of them had forgotten the password

''If anyone has forgotten it they will be punished severely'' Peter said angrily 

''Ah come on bro don't punish anyone please'' Janet begged

''No I mean it, 1000 lines for anyone who forgot it'' the strict Peter said. He liked to punish bad behavior, forgetfulness, or laziness and the others always obeyed as he threatened to throw them out if they did not obey and since they loved being  in this clique they were terrified of being sent away so if Peter gave a punishment they did it  

''I trust you did remember the password or else I am giving you 1000 lines'' Peter told his poor sister

''I remembered it, don't worry'' Janet said 

Later on, Peter ran down to the shed first so that the others would not be there before him, not even Janet. Of course, his trusted spaniel Scamper tore down with him, very excited

Peter set out seven chairs and put some food and a bottle of coca-cola on the table

''It is jolly nice and cozy here''' he said happily ''I do a good job for my secret seven, I feed them and give them a nice drink''

Someone knocked on the door

''PASSWORD!'' Peter demanded

''Facebook'' came the reply. Facebook had been their most recent password because they spent a lot of time talking to each other on there

1. SUSIE JOINS THE SECRET SEVENWhere stories live. Discover now