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Peter decided they should go back and search the woods for any clues and take Scamper. If there was anything to find he would sniff it out for them.

''I really don't know what we can expect to find here'' Janet said as they hunted through the woods

''It's worth looking just to see'' Peter replied ''Susie found Colin's bike here and we might find something else, who knows?''

The six of them and Scamper searched the woods until it got dark. Then they found that they couldn't find their way out of the woods because it was so dark, they kept walking around going down dark paths and a few of them tripped over the tree roots on the pathways

''Oh this is hopeless'' Barbara said at last ''we could be out here all night in these woods''

Then they saw a little cottage in the middle of the woods! With a light on inside

''How cute is this little cottage right here in the middle of the woods!'' Janet said with a smile ''oh I wonder who lives here!''     

''We can knock and ask them for directions out of the woods'' George said feeling relieved

They knocked at the door and a woman answered looking startled. She kept the door almost closed and poked her head out as if she did not want anyone to see inside the cottage

''Hello, we're sorry to bother you ma'am'' Peter said very politely ''We are lost and we wondered if you could help direct us out of the woods please?''

''Oh certainly'' the woman said ''You are really not far from the main road here'' 

And she directed them to the exit ''you follow this path and it takes you back to town'' she told them

''Thanks a lot'' Peter said with a smile

And just as they were about to leave Scamper started barking and growling

''Scamper stop that!'' Peter said sternly

But Scamper did not stop, he only got louder and then he started trying to get inside the cottage and the woman became very angry and closed the door even more

''Oh really'' she grumbled ''you kids better leave now and take that mutt away!'' and with that, she closed the door 

''Oh scamper you bad bad dog!'' Janet told him ''that poor woman was very helpful to us and you made her upset you bad dog!''

''Oh let's just get out of these dark woods now please'' Barbara said ''it's creepy here now''

''Where did Susie go'' Peter said suddenly, looking around and noticing she was missing

''She was here a minute ago I am sure she was'' George replied  

Then Scamper ran around the back of the cottage and the others ran around as well and there was Susie standing next to a car

''This is Bruno's car'' she told them ''I saw his car and took down the number plate days ago and here it is right here. How interesting. On top of that woman keeping the door almost closed and Scamper getting excited, I bet Colin must be inside that cottage''

''And what made you decide to walk off and have a look here, you didn't know his car was here did you?'' Peter asked amazed by Susie

''Well no I didn't know but I had a feeling something was not right so I decided to have a look around, I was looking for a window or something to look in but the curtains are drawn all around here, but it's very lucky I looked and found the car''      

''I think it's time to call the police....''Peter said

''Oh, I don't, I think it's time you kids came inside with me and found out the consequences of snooping''  a voice said suddenly and made them all jump.

And to their horror, Bruno was standing there with a sawn-off shotgun  

1. SUSIE JOINS THE SECRET SEVENWhere stories live. Discover now