Chapter 3 - MORE SAD NEWS

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The five friends and their dog were feeling very sad over the next few days. It was very odd to think that Pam was gone but they were still the secret seven with Scamper as a proper member now. Then, to everyone's surprise, George called a meeting saying it was urgent   

They met in the shed, the password was still ''Party'' and everyone remembered

''What do you need to tell us?'' Peter asked George

George sighed and looked very upset ''Colin isn't coming back'' he told them all ''We've lost him as well as Pam''

The others all looked shocked and upset

''But why? What has happened?'' Barbara asked almost crying again. Really this on top of losing Pam was just too much

''Colin and I do a paper round together, the newsagent is getting angry that Colin isn't coming to work and told me he was going to replace him so I went around to his house to warn him and old Bruno came to the door and told me that Colin has gone to live with his Aunt miles away on the Isle of Wight. He isn't coming back''

''But that can't be true! Why would he go and not even say goodbye!'' Jack cried ''He would at least have said something''

''Bruno said his behavior at home was getting so disruptive and then Colin tried to fight Bruno so Bruno and his mother agreed to send him away as a punishment and they wouldn't even let him say goodbye first''

''Wow that is harsh man'' Jack said shaking his head ''But it doesn't surprise me with Bruno, we all know what a brute that man is and he never liked Colin'' 

''Oh this is awful'' Janet said almost in tears along with Barbara ''First we lose Pam and now Colin. We replaced Pam with Scamper but now we're six again, who will replace Colin?''

''I guess we could just be the secret six?'' Barbara said

''No, we're the secret seven and we will stay the secret seven'' Peter said firmly ''we will have to find a new member''

''But who?'' George said ''Anyone can think of anyone to join?''

''I think we need another girl'' Barbara said ''We have three boys and a boy dog. Only two girls now, we need another girl to level it out''

''Hmmm well yes I agree I guess'' Peter said, although secretly he had always liked the idea of an all-boys secret seven, but he could never make a group and leave Janet out and Janet would never allow him to dismiss Barbara either

''There is a girl at school I rather think would be a good member'' Janet said ''her name is Louise and she is a very smart girl, I think she would be a good member''

''Any other suggestions for a girl member?'' Peter asked ''It was your idea Barbara so have you a suggestion?''

''There is a girl in my class called Rebecca'' Barbara said ''she knows about the secret seven and asked me if she could join when Pam left. I would like to nominate her to join''

''Ok, anyone else wants to nominate someone?''

Jack was looking sheepish and finally spoke up, but looked very scared

''Maybe we could let Susie join?'' he said meekly knowing it would upset Peter

''SUSIE? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?'' Peter bellowed at Jack ''I will never let her join, how dare you even suggest something so outrageous, Jack!''

''But she wants to join'' Jack said ''I know she is a pest but she never leaves me alone, she begs me every day to get you to agree to let her join. You know Peter she is a smart girl and I think she would be a very good member, maybe if we let her join she wouldn't be such a pain anymore. She only annoys us because we exclude her and it upsets her. Pete man sometimes you're proper harsh on her you gotta admit that you are very mean to her''


''Ah Pete please, you're kidding me'' Jack complained

''GET TO THE WALL NOW!'' Peter screamed, he was furious with poor Jack

Jack did as he was told

''Well Jack, you will spend one hour having a think about how you must never upset me about Susie, you know how much she annoys me! You will then apologize I hope! The rest of us will sit here and ignore you and you will not get any food today we will all eat an extra share!''

The others sat around feeling uncomfortable and sorry for Jack. Peter really was very fierce if anyone mentioned Susie    

Everyone was sad for the rest of the meeting, they couldn't believe they had lost Colin so soon after losing Pam

''I will meet Rebecca and Louise and pick which one I like the best to join us'' Peter said ''the new secret seven will be 3 boys, 3 girls, and Scamper. I will only pick between Rebecca and Louise, NOT Susie. I hope you're listening to all this at the wall there Jack! NOT Susie, NEVER Susie. NEVER EVER!''

Poor Susie, would Peter ever soften his attitude towards her?

1. SUSIE JOINS THE SECRET SEVENWhere stories live. Discover now