Are we Avengers?

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Sarah1119980 thank you for the inspiration on this chapter!❤️

All the Avengers including Sawyer and Blayke are in this one.

Sawyer is 14
Blayke is 12

Sawyer's POV
"Blayke, come on, you gotta suit up!" I yelled at her as I bounced around my bedroom, putting on my black boots.

"I'm just zipping it up." She yelled back. I quickly ran to my mirror, I picked up my brown hair and tied it into a ponytail, letting my baby hairs just scatter in piece.

I opened the bedroom door that dived our rooms and Blayke screamed, falling onto her bed. "Green is your colour." I smiled, helping he up.

"Yeah and green is not yours." She said. I whacked her arm and let out a laugh.

"Girls! Move it!" Mom yelled as she opened the main door, Startling us both. She was slipping knives into certain parts on her the harness that rested on her dark blue suit, she looked like an absolute badass.

"We're coming mom." I said. I than grabbed Blayke's hand and we raced out of the room. Following right behind my parents.

We arrived in the quinjet hanger and ran onto a quinjet. My parents took cockpit as me and Blayke strapped ourselves in.

"And time!" Tony yelled as I heard the sound of a stopwatch click. I let out a deep breath and slouched into my seat.

"Better than last weeks?" Blayke questioned, undoing her seatbelt.

"About a second faster." Tony sighed.

"Dang it." I muttered.

"Oh, hey don't worry it about it girls. You'll get the hang of it, it almost becomes second nature after a while." Dad joked whilst he rubbed my hand, messing up my hair. He walked off the jet, along with mom.

I undid my seatbelt and than we both walked off. Auntie Nat walked over to us, smiling proudly.

"Why are you so smiley?" Mom asked, laughing.

"Green is definitely the suit colour on them, they look so mature." She commented, making me smile.

"Are they comfortable?" Mom asked.


"Great!" Auntie Nat clapped. "Green it is!" She ran off, with a spring in her step.

"Sweethearts, why don't you go get changed and than go relax for the day. Me and Dad have some stuff to do." She said and than I caught her giving him a wink and I gagged internally.

"Alrighty, that's our cue." I grabbed Blaykes hand and dragged her through the halls to our side by side bedrooms.

I changed out of my suit into sweat pants and a hoodie. I knocked on Blayke's door and she opened it, wearing jeans and a long sleeve. "What do you wanna do today?"

"I really wanted to impress mom and dad." Blayke sighed. She flopped down onto her bed and I sat down next to her, throwing my arm over her shoulder, pulling her closer.

"You did Blayke." I stated, smiling. But she didn't smile back.

"I want to be an Avenger."

"You are!"

"No, I'm not."

"Blayke, come on. You got super powers and live with the Avengers, I feel like that makes you an Avenger." I giggled. She was always so dramatic, but that was one of her best qualities.

"Sawyer, we're not Avengers. We're just Avenger's kids." She said. I just looked at her and my heart broke for a moment, My expression than changed to confused, but for some reason it was making sense in my mind. I didn't want it to, but it was.

"Your right." I sighed.

"See!" She exclaimed. I just stared at the ceiling, taking in her words. When mom's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Blayke, can I come in?" She asked.

"Yeah." She yelled back. Mom opened the door and smiled at Blayke, than her eyes caught mine and she smiled even more.

"Oh both my girls are here." She moved over to the bed and sat between us both. She than studied our faces and her smile faded. "Why do you both look so sad?"

"Are we Avengers?" I asked, getting straight to the point. She looked between us and smiled.

"Of course you are sweeties, I raised two badass Avengers." She stated, making me smile a little, I looked over at Blayke and she still had a frown.

"Or are we just Avengers' kids?" Blayke asked.

"I mean technically yes, but girls. When you came into this world, you were going to be Avengers, powers or not. So yes you are technically the kids of Avengers, but your also Avengers. You should hold that role with honour. As you can tell not a lot of people get that job." She finished saying.

"Thank you mom." Blayke said, snuggling closer.

"Yeah, thank you." I added, snuggling closer on my side of her.

"I love you girls." She than kissed the top of both our heads.

"I love you to." I said quickly before Blayke.

"I love you to."

"Okay, now both of you, just chill for the rest of the day unless you have homework, than do that." She smiled, standing up from the bed.

"Really?" I groaned.

"Yes, really." She laughed. "Okay, here. If you guys do all your homework, we can have pizza movie night and you get to pick the movie."

"Yes!" Blayke exclaimed. We all started laughing and than mom left the room.

"So we are Avengers." Blayke stated.

"Yes, we are! I told you so, we just need some more practice." I said smiling. I than stood up on her bed and she joined me, jumping up and down.

"Oh and girls." I heard mom say, we than turned our heads to see her standing in the doorway, giggling.

"Yes mom?" I asked.

"You need to go down to the lab, bring your suits." She than shut the door and we both started laughing, falling back onto the bed.

"We're Avengers." I said.

"We are the Barnes, sisters." Blayke added. I than sat up and looked at her.

"Together." I than raised my pinkie finger.

"Forever." Blayke said, wrapping her pinkie around mine.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!💗💗

Again thank you all so much for all your support!💖

Love you all!!❤️❤️

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