Christmas Set Up

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Sawyer is 8
Blayke is 6

"Kids! Come to the living room!" I yelled down the hallway. A moment later, I heard two bedroom doors open and the sound footsteps race down the hallway. They both ran full speed into me and I held onto the wall to steady myself.

"What's going on mom?" Blayke asked, looking up at me with her y/e/c eyes, there were so adorable.

"Yeah, what's happening?" Sawyer asked as she started catching her breath.

"Today! We're gonna set up Christmas!" I exclaimed.

"YES!" They both cheered. Jumping up and down in excitement.

"Well let's go, everyone is waiting." They each grabbed one of my hands and my heart just swelled with happiness.

We walked into the living room, boxes lined the floor and couches. Bucky, Steve and Tony than came in carrying the tree while Nat and Clint, were behind them, holding more boxes.

The girls both let go of my hands, Sawyer running at Nat as soon as she reached her, Nat quickly picked her up and spun around.

Whilst Blayke ran straight into Bucky's arms. He lifted her up, placing her on his shoulder.

"There's my beautiful girls." Bucky than looked at me. "And there's my beautiful ass wife." He smiled. I walked over to him and he wrapped his ran around my waist and we kissed.

"Ewwww!" Blayke groaned. Causing everyone to laugh. Bucky than placed her down and Nat did the same with Sawyer.

"So, what's the plan?" Sam asked as he walked in, carrying a box of lights.

"Well, who wants to decorate the tree?" Tony asked. Both my girls raised their hands, including Me, Nat and Wanda.

"I can work on lights outside." Tony offered.

"I'll join." Clint said.

"Same here." Bruce added.

"So that leaves, Sam, Bucky, Steve, Vision Peter." Clint stated.

"Mr Stark! Can I go make hot cocoa for everyone!" Peter asked, excitedly.

"Knock yourself kid." Tony smiled.

"Yes!" He ran into the kitchen, a giant smile plastered on his face

"The rest of you can just deal with putting stuff up around the compound, you know how it looks." Tony stated. Everyone nodded their heads and began to go to work.

"Friday, play Christmas music!" Wanda smiled. Christmas music began to play throughout the entire compound, bringing a feeling of magic.

We began to unbox all the ornaments and place them in piles. "Mom! Where's mine!" Blayke complained, stomping around.

"I don't know sweetheart, but it will be in here." I said as I began digging into the box, searching for her special ornament.

About two years ago, Tony each let us pick out a special ornament that had to be on the tree and written somewhere on it, was our name and birthdate.

So if something were to ever happen to us, we still have something special for everyone to remember us by.

Here's what they are:
Mine: purple and white flower
Bucky: motorcycle
Sawyer: book
Blayke: butterfly
Clint: bow and arrow
Nat: her own symbol
Tony: stack of money
Peter: his own mask
Steve: his shield
Bruce: test tube
Thor: pop tart
Wanda: tree
Vision: toaster
Sam: dove
Scott: taco
Hope: heart that says family
Cassie: Ice cream in a cone

We all began to place the ornaments gently on the tree, I picked up my special ornament and Bucky's placing them right next to one another. The girls than took theirs and placed them underneath, making our little family appear on the tree.

A giant ass smile covered my face, it was still surreal that I actually had a family of my own now.

"Mommy help! I can't reach!" I heard Blayke whine. I looked over seeing Sawyer trying to lift her sister up.

"I'm trying, but I'm to short." Sawyer complained.

"Don't worry, I got you." I smiled, taking Blayke into my arms. She reached up her arm and placed the star she was holding on top of the tree.

"Wow, this looks absolutely amazing girls." I heard Bruce say. I spun around to see the men walk in, with smiles on their faces.

"Yeah, we know." Wanda smirked.

"WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY!" Peter yelled as he ran from the kitchen.

"What? Is there a fire?" Clint asked. "Is this like the cookie situation, do I need to run and get the extinguisher?"

"No." He said before catching his breath. "We don't have..." he took another deep breath. "We don't have marshmallows."

"Oh. My. Gosh." Tony sighed loudly, rubbing his forehead. Everyone else started laughing.

"I need to go pick some up, anyone wanna join?"

"Can I go?" Sawyer asked, looking up at me with her innocent smile.

"Yeah, go have fun." I than looked at him. "Peter just watch her please."

"Yes Ma'm, she won't leave my sight." He stated. I nodded my head and Sawyer ran over to him, grabbing his hand.

They left the compound and I went back to decorating. About twenty minutes later, the two returned laughing away, walking into the kitchen.

"What do you think is so funny?" Nat said, coming up beside me.

"No clue, but he always knows how to make her laugh." I smiled. A few minutes later, they walked out carrying a tray full of hot chocolate and walked across the room, everyone grabbed a mug and sat down.

"Well, thank you guys." I smiled, taking a pink and blue mug. I sat down next to Bucky on the couch and he wrapped his arm around me. The compound, looked an absolute Christmas wonderland, it was beautiful.

"Wanna watch a Christmas movie?" Clint suggested.

" about the the grinch?" I suggested.

"Sure!" He replied, he turned on Netflix and started playing the movie. Sawyer and Blayke came and cuddled next to us. Bucky looked to me and we both smiled, he than leaned in and kissed me gently. "I love you."

"I love you to Barnes."

It was the end to an absolute perfect day.

Sorry I haven't posted a lot on this book❤️

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