Just Dance

144 6 0

Sawyer is 15

Blayke is 13


I was sitting at the dining table with Sawyer helping her with math homework, Bucky was busy training with Steve and Blayke was in her room...doing who knows what...honestly probably re watching her favorite show for the 40th time. 

"Mom...so what do I do next?" Sawyer asked, I looked down at the paper and realized that she missed one number and got the entire equation wrong. 

"Shit...sweetheart." I sighed. She looked at me with a bit of fear. "You missed the seven here." I pointed at it and she let out a loud ass grunt.

"UGH! I hate math!" She grabbed her textbook and began to burn it.

"Woah." I laughed, taking the blue flaming book from her hands, absorbing the fire. "Sawyer, look when I was in school for my short time, I didn't like it either. But don't burn your stuff."

"When did you drop out again?" She asked while taking the book back and placing it in back on the table.

"I didn't drop out. I was forced to leave when I was fourteen."

"Right." She nodded her head and than stared blankly at the textbook, she honestly looked so sad and I hated seeing her this way...school is a bitch. But than I had an idea.

"Sawyer." She looked up at me. "Go get your sister." 

"Why? I thought we were doing my homework?"

"Do you want to continue to get more sad and frustrated or do something fun?"

"Fun!" She exclaimed, shooting up from her seat and stuffing everything into her backpack. "But what about my homework, it is due tomorrow."

"We'll get Tony to do it." I said smiling, she started laughing and my heart just warmed up. "Go get Blayke." I nudged her forward and she raced down the hallway.

I took out my phone and texted in the group chat. I'm doing something fun for the girls, meet in the living room if you wanna join.

I than put away my phone and saw Sam entering the living room. "So...What's going on?" He asked, coming up behind me, placing his head on my shoulder.

"Surprise." I patted his face and than he got off my shoulder. Nat, Wanda, Scott, Cassie, Clint, Peter, Bucky and Steve all walked in, looking at me with confusion.

Bucky came up to me and wrapped an arm around my waist. "Are the girl's okay? Did something happen?"

"Sawyer was getting pissed off at her homework, So I thought of something that always cheered me up as a kid and I hope it does the same for them." I smiled, he just sent me a playful look and smiled.

Sawyer and Blayke walked in, looking at everyone in confusion. "What's going on?" Blayke asked.

"I'm wondering the same thing." Nat said, throwing her arms over both girls. 

"So..." I began and than walked over to the cabinet attached to the entertainment unit and dug in the way back. "I feel a few of you will know what this is." I said as I pulled out the disc case, The words Just Dance 3 written along it. I than stood up and showed it off to everyone.

"NO WAY!" Scott exclaimed, jumping over the couch grabbing the disc case from my hand. "I haven't played this in ages."  

"Same here!" Peter said now looking all giddy walking over to me. 

"Let's play." I put the disc in the Xbox I made Tony buy. The screen popped up and I started feeling like a kid again.

"Just dance? So all you do is dance?" Steve asked, crossing his arm's over his chest, looking intrigued.

"Yeah, they play a song and you just match the dancers moves. It's so fun." I said. I than looked to the girls who eye's were filled with awe and excitement.

"Why haven't we played this before?" Clint asked.

"Because I forgot this game existed until like a week ago and than I found it in a sale bin and bought it." 

Bucky just looked at me and let out a chuckle. "The sale bin?"

"I'm cheap. You know that." I laughed. 

I controlled the screen and got to the song choice, memories of my childhood flooding through my head. "Okay who's up first?" Peter asked.

"Can I go?" Sawyer asked.

"Me to!" Blayke yelled.

"Same!" Cassie added.

"I'll join them." I said.

I chose the song 'Dynamite' and we chose our person to follow and the song started. The music blared threw the room and I could  hear a few people singing. As me and the girl danced. We were all getting perfects and goods. 

I ended up taking first, Sawyer took second, Cassie took third and Blayke got fourth, but we all were really close in our scores.

"MY TURN!" Scott shouted, jumping in front of the screen, Peter and Sam joined him and they chose the song 'California Gurls'...and damn they killed it. We were all rooting them on and singing. After an hour of non stop dancing...almost everyone had gone...Me, Nat and Wanda did one to 'Price Tag'...All the younger girls did one to 'Party rock Anthem'...and the list goes on...I'll just say Scott makes us all look armatures...he's so good.

 But the only ones who haven't gone yet are Steve and Bucky. "Guy's come on you have to." Clint said, catching his breath after he just did one with Wanda and Peter and Sam. 

"Really?" Steve said groaning. "Only if he does it." He said pointing at my husband.

"I'll do it if Y/N is doing it."

"Yeah and I have the perfect song in mind...we need one more person though."

"I'll do it." Nat said. 


The four of us walked up to the front and I scrolled through the songs until I found the perfect one. "No." Steve stated.

"Yes." I made a sinister smile and clicked on it. Nat began laughing as both men gave me a glare. 

We all got in our positions.' As hit me baby one more time.' Began to play threw the speakers. We all began dancing and I could see the smile grow one the men's faces. After the song was finished and we looked at our scores. Nat got first, I got second, Bucky got third, Steve got fourth. 

"Did you have fun?" Sam asked, laughing.

"Yeah...it was fun." Steve said.

"Yeah that is actually quite fun. I'm just thankful no one ever has to see that again." Bucky said, Steve nodded his head in agreement.

"What about the security camera footage." Sawyer piped up.

"NO!" Both men shouted, but they were to late, Sawyer was already zooming down the hallway as the men looked at one another and than chased after her. Making everyone in the room just burst out laughing.

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