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Thank you @AlhannahJackson for this request!

People don't know their Avenger's kids, Bucky and Y/N never told the world about their children. Neither did any of the Avengers. They did their best to keep it a secret as much as they could.

Sawyer is 13
Blayke is 11

Sawyer's POV
I walked through the hallway of our school, With Blayke by my side. She was clutching onto the straps of her backpack as her eyes wandered over the brick walls.

I kept my eyes on the floor, letting my backpack hit my back repeatedly as I walked across the sleek floor. "Hey, have fun in art. I'll see you at lunch." I said to Blayke as she walked into her classroom.

"See you!" She gave me a bright smile and I smiled back. I than walked towards the science classroom and entered the room. A few peoples eyes fell on me, but quickly went back to what they were doing when they saw it was me.

But that doesn't mean all of them did, Two pair of eyes stayed on me, their stares making my stomach flip, Trinity and Belle, both of their green eyes stared daggers into my blue eyes. I shuffled to my seat and placed my backpack at my feet.

"So...Sawyer, are you an Avenger yet? Or is that something else you made up?" Belle said, nudging the back of my head.

"I'm not an Avenger yet, but I'm getting there." I replied. They both started laughing and I slumped into my seat.

"Look!" Trinity said, slamming her hands on my desk, making me jump. "Stop lying to all of us, your just faking this, to the get the attention, your parents never gave to you."

"Excuse me?" I said as I felt my power flow through my body, I was doing all I could to keep it inside. My parents told me to not show it off at school, because they didn't want anyone to freak out at it. But at home, I was allowed to use it freely, but safely of course.

"You heard me!" Trinity exclaimed. "Everyone!" The whole class turned to face her, amused smiles on all their faces, making my cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Sawyer, claims to be an Avenger." Everyone started laughing. I was than grabbed by Belle and yanked to my feet.

"If your an Avenger. Show us your powers!" Belle said.

"I'm not allowed, my powers are very dangerous." I explained.

"Yeah, sure they are. What are they again?" Trinity teased.

I wanted to keep my mouth shut and just leave the classroom, but I also didn't want to look weak. If I was gonna be an Avenger, I had to be strong and smart.

"My powers are blue fire manipulation." I said proudly.

"Blue fire isn't a thing." One boy yelled, I think his name was Lucas.

"Yeah, Sawyer." Trinity said in a mocking matter.

"Um, it...it just is." I rambled.

"WOW! Couldn't even think of a power that's logical." Belle said.

"Okay, well, prove it to us! Show us this power!" Trinity yelled.

"I'm not allowed!" I reminded her. "People can get hurt with them, I'm still learning to control them."

"Show us! Show us! Show us! Show us!" The class chanted.

"Don't be a loser! Show us!" Trinity exclaimed.

"Please." I sighed. They continued to chant as I could I feel my self becoming more angry and stronger by the minute. "Stop." I warned.

"We will stop, once you show us!" Belle said, smiling.

"No!" I yelled louder.

"Loser! Loser! Loser! Loser!" Everyone started yelling. I could feel tears began to poke in my eyes as all I wanted right now, was to crawl under my desk and cry.

"What is going on in here!" My teacher yelled as she walked into the room, with my mother by her side.

"Mom?" I questioned, grabbing my backpack and walking over to her.

"What the hell is going on?" She yelled.

"Mrs! We don't us that language." The teacher quickly yelled at her. My mom just shot her a glare and than looked at me, rubbing her hand on my cheek.

"I don't give a shit about my language, I want to know why my daughter almost looks like she is about to cry and why the entire class is chanting loser?" She said staring daggers at my teacher, Mrs Shelby.

Mrs Shelby looked at the class with disappointment in her hazel eyes. "Well, You heard Mrs Barnes, answer the question." She demanded.

"We just wanted to see Sawyer use her power." A girl named Abigail said from the front of the class.

"Snitch!" Trinity yelled at her.

"Woah!" My mom exclaimed. She walked up to the front of the class. "All of this!" She said waving her hand around. "Was because, you wanted to see my daughter use her powers."Everyone started nodding their heads. "Wow." She than turned to my teacher and got right in her face.

"One! My daughter is transferring classes and two! Your job as a teacher is to teach and I think you might want to add human decency to your curriculum." My mom spat. I just stared at my mother in awe and a smirk spread across my face. "Let's go Sawyer." She than grabbed my hand and began to leave. When I stopped in the doorway and my mother looked at me confused.

"Can I?" I asked, she nodded her head. Knowing exactly what I was going for. I made a flame appear in my hand and the entire class's jaw dropped. "Don't doubt me ever again." I spat. I always had trouble making the flame disappear, so my mom quickly covered her hand in mine, suffocating the fire.

"That's my girl, your dad is gonna be so proud." My mom said as we began walking to Blayke's art class.

"And Auntie Nat." I added.

"Oh yes, also if we tell Tony. He's gonna wanna throw a party." My mom joked. I than looked at her and smiled.

"Can we tell Tony than?" She looked at down at me and started laughing.

"Why the hell not, a party would actually be nice." She smiled.

"Also, why are you here?" I asked.

"You forgot your lunch again." She chuckled.

"Well, let's be thankful for that." I smiled.

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