Feeling the blues

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        I sat alone in the hotel room, turned out I was the one who took it the hardest of us. Even without the whole thing that happened in the shower. I didn't eat much that morning either, and I didn't really say much to anyone. I pretty much closed myself off from everyone, not really telling them what I was thinking or what I wanted to do. I just finished up my breakfast, and I made my way back up to our room. I felt crushed that this happened when it turned out I was the last one that saw her in our group of friends and I didn't do anything to bring her back with me. I felt like all the blame was on me, that I could have prevented this. I dropped my head into my hands and I tried to take deep breaths, but each breath was like a rush of memories and emotions that left me closer to tears than the last breath. My breath wasn't regular, my hands were shaky, and my mind was a cluster of thoughts. While I was in the middle of deep thought though, Augden and Anika had come into the room without me noticing. They sat on either side of me, watching me break down. They both sat kind of awkwardly next to me, and i had just realized that they were there when they put their hands on my shoulders. I lifted my head out of my hands, with my body shaking and my eyes watering, and looked at the both of them.

        I tried to laugh, which came out shaky like everything else did, and tried to wipe the water out of my eyes, giving off a sniff before I could talk, "Sorry to make you guys worry.. Where's everyone else?"

        Augden patted my shoulder reassuringly, "Don't worry about it dude. They're pretty worried about you though, seeing you like this. They're just hanging out on the beach right now, probably not doing much else except sitting around and talking about this morning and last night."

        Anika hit my shoulder lightly and I turned to look at her, "Quit beating yourself up you idiot," she said in a hushed tone.

        I shook my head and looked down at the floor, "It was my fault that she didn't come back though. I should have at least checked to make sure that she would come in last night.. I'm sorry guys, it's all on me.."

        I heard Anika sigh off to my right, and I could imagine Augden shrugging his shoulders as he patted mine, "Come on, let's go on that boat trip then. Maybe that will help you feel better."

        My eyes shot up to Augden to see if he was joking or not, but his eyes looked serious, while at the same time looking friendly. I nodded and tried to shake off the somber mood, it wasn't very successful, but it lifted my spirit slightly. I passed by the mirror and saw my eyes still watered a little, so I went into the bathroom and washed my face with the cool water. After I had fixed my clothes and got my glasses I walked over to the door where Augden and Anika were waiting for me.

        "Alright, well, I think I'm ready to go then."

        They nodded and we started going down to meet with everyone else on the beach. I hoped I could keep it together for everyone else's sake.

        We got down to the beach to see the others sitting in a triangle semi-circle. They glanced up as we showed up, and I felt like I caused the mood to be all gloomy. I kicked the sand at my feet aimlessly before someone coughed and brought my attention back to reality.

        Augden made a mound of sand between his feet before he spoke, "Sooooo, what do you guys want to do then?"

        "I don't know, I can't seem to think straight." Jake said as he looked and sifted the sand through his hand.

        "Well we've already called the local police to see if they had seen anyone like that. We gave them the description and everything, so hopefully it'll only be a matter of time before they find her." Anika said while trying to put a lighter tone in the air.

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