My end

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        None of us really said anything the next day. We just ate our breakfast down stairs in the dining room of the hotel. The only thing we had seen all day on TV was the reported missing flight that had contained a total of 125 people on board who had just vanished. On the local news though, it was talking about the death of the shop keeper Jake and I had discovered. The news had managed to find a photo of me and him from our freshman year pictures. He looked a lot younger in the photo, still had that baby face of his. It hurt for me to see him like that, unknowing that he would vanish off the face of the Earth in just a short year. I wonder if he realized that he wouldn't be coming back. I wonder if he tried to get off the plane before it took off.. I wonder.

        Augden snapped a finger in front of my face and I was brought back to the reality of where I was, seeing that the 4 of us were sitting in a circle on the beach outside. He looked at me, slightly worried, "You okay dude? You were off in some world of your own for the moment, and you sounded like you were having a hard time sleeping last night."

        I shook my head and rubbed my eyes, I did have trouble falling asleep the night before. I had horrible nightmares, how the shadow of a person actually did catch up to me. Or maybe in the dream I didn't manage to keep going, I just tripped on the floor and Jake had left me there. Or, if I did manage to keep going, but Jake had somehow managed to get caught by him. The shadow. I looked back at him though and gave a weak smile, "Are any of us okay? We had just lost 3 of our friends, not to mention the people around us who have also disappeared or died. How could I be okay? How could anyone be okay in a situation like this?"

        My voice must have rose higher than I meant it too, because I saw some people looking at us from a few feet away. Lily was looking down at the sand, also probably lost in her own world of thought, but Anika was looking over at me, "Idiot, keep your voice down. You look like you're making a scene."

        I laughed, like she was the crazy one. "Me? The one causing a scene?  It's already all over the news! They already know what happened! And yet they still can't explain why 3 of my friends were now probably dead!" I screamed as I stood up.

        Now people were really giving us weird glances, and I looked back at them, "The hell do you people want!?" Unsurprisingly though, they just shuffled along awkwardly and probably talked about me and how crazy I looked.

        I knew I wasn't crazy though. I knew that what I was saying was making perfect sense to them, and even if the others didn't want to admit it, I was saying what they were all thinking. And at the moment I was thinking, just how long till the rest of us were gone?

        Augden sighed and got up to start pacing the beach. He kicked some water mixed with sand off into the distance and grabbed his hair in frustration. "Well then what the hell do you think that we should do Luke? The world now knows about the missing flight, it's probably going to prompt more people to go in there to investigate on their own to see what happened. We weren't the first ones to go missing in there and we probably wont be the last ones. So, while we still are in this world, we have to actually do something with it."

        I stared at the ground for a moment before I looked up at him, his back was actually turned to us at the moment, as he gazed off. He was looking at some far away point in the distance over the water, maybe he was thinking about how Raymond had just dropped into the water. Or maybe how Lisa just left without a trace. Or maybe how Jake and 124 other people were just gone. It didn't matter though, all that was just an obstacle for us apparently. Augden wanted us to lead normal lives again? To actually do something with our lives? I didn't know what else I could do with my life that wouldn't had ended with me killing myself over this whole ordeal. I was going to go crazy. I glanced over at Lily, who had Anika sitting next to her trying to talk to her about something. Lily still was looking down at the sand, making small shapes with her fingers in the soft sand that we sat on. I sighed, laying back and shoving my hands in my pockets. What the hell were we supposed to do..

Spring Break (with a twist)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara