I walk in the night

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        Augden and I had finished washing up before Raymond and Jake. We only had 5 minutes left before we left for dinner anyways, so we decided to meet up with the girls downstairs. Of course, they were already down there idly chatting about nothing really by the time we got there. We said our hellos, we talked about the day, and we looked at our phone while we waited awkwardly for Raymond and Jake to get down.

        Anika leaned over to Lily after another 3 minutes without Raymond and Jake coming down yet, trying to whisper something to her without anyone else hearing it, "Ship for Rake."

        Lily looked over at Anika, probably because she said it too quietly and Lily didn't hear. "What Ani?"

        She tried to stifle her laugh as she waved Lily over to say, "Ship for Rake." louder this time.

        Lily started laughing too, which of course, got me interested in what they were talking about. "What'd she say?"

        "She said she ships Rake." Lily said while trying to control her laugh. By this point Anika was laughing along with her. Before I probably even realized what the joke was, I was laughing right along with them.

        Now obviously, when I laughed, I had the hardest time controlling it. We caught dirty looks from some of the older guests in the hotel, so it took one Medusa stare from Anika to try and stifle the laugh. Which turned out to be hard to do with Lily continuing to giggle on the opposite side of me. By the time Raymond and Jake got down though, I managed to control the laugher and calm down again.

        Raymond looked at us and had a curious look on his face when he noticed we were all smiling, "What'd we miss?"

        Augden shook his head and looked up from his phone when he asked that, "Luke went a little crazy with his laugh again after Anika said something. I didn'thear what it was, something about shipping."

        Jake threw a hand up into the air, "God damn it Luke."

        With that Anika, Lily and I started laughing again. Raymond rolled his eyes, "Whatever, let's just get to dinner then." he said sullenly.

        We didn't have to walk very far, we were just having dinner in the hotel. When we looked at the menu I bet you anything that Jake and Augden, and probably Raymond too, were looking for one thing. The most expensive meal on the menu. It must have been funny to see from the girls perspective, because to them they just saw the four of us darting our eyes through the menus trying to find the most expensive one. Fortunately for Raymond though, the most expensive one was only $12.55. It was some restaurant spacial soup or something, I wasn't sure. We ordered three though, for us guys that is, and I hadn't payed much attention at what the girls ordered.

        When we all got our food I watched Jake try to eat his soup (as it turned out it was actually a soup) as fast as he could so he could buy another one before we all got full later. In the middle of his eating though he must have thought, or remembered, something funny because he choked for a moment on the soup before letting a laugh escape. We all turned our heads to him, and a few of the guests too, to see what happened.

        Jake drank some of his water and he coughed again, chuckling again before he cleared his throat, "Ahem, sorry guys. I was just thinking how funny it would have been if Raymond had tried to do a fishtail on our way out of the Bermuda Triangle and he turned too hard, making all of us fall over into the water."

        I laughed a little and continued eating my soup as the girls started bombarding him with questions like, "You guys tried to do fishtails?" "You guys are idiots, you should have fallen in." "How is that funny?" so on and so on. We also got to see Raymond sitting next to Anika looking like he was restraining himself from hitting Jake for saying that.

Spring Break (with a twist)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang