Cutting it close

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        We all rode in silence as Augden had taken control of the boat and started driving us back to shore. It wasn't that far off from where we were, or from where we should have been. While we were in the Triangle though it felt like we were in the middle of the vast space, and not a few meters in the Triangle. We didn't talk about any of that though, we all just sat in silence, praying nothing else happened on our way back to the pier.

        When we got to the pier the others docked it in silence, while Jake and I went back to the shop to return the keys. We figured it was best if more than one of us went back there to him to return the keys. When we got to the shop though, the man that we saw earlier wasn't there. Instead, there was a younger, more friendly looking man standing behind the counter.

        "Hi, how may I help you fine gentlemen today?" He said with a smile that seemed real while at the same time looked forced.

        "Um, yeah. We're looking for the creep that we rented the boat from?"

        The man's face froze and he didn't say a word, like he was still trying to process what he just heard, "I'm sorry, but I'm the only one here."

        Jake and I exchanged looks before I spoke up, "Maybe he left earlier? It did seem like we were out on the water for a while."

        We saw that his left eye twitched for a second and he clasped his hands together, "Nope. I'm the only one who's been here all day. Everyone else had something else going on today, so I had to take most of their shifts. I know the staff well enough though that none of them are 'creeps' as you called him."

        More looks between me and Jake and we knew something wasn't right. Jake placed the keys on the table though and stepped back, getting ready to walk out of the store. "Right, well, we'll be off then. Thanks anyways sir."

        The man smiled again at us and waved us goodbye, "Have a good day! I hope your friend is okay!"

        We stopped dead in our tracks. I didn't know how to react, I just turned and tried to look at the person who had said that, no one was there. Suddenly there was the smell of something horrible coming from inside the shop. It smelled like meat left out of the freezer for several days to rot, and I also thought I heard the faint sound of buzzing coming from somewhere. Jake and I were hit by the sudden smell and we both stumbled out of the shop to catch our breath.

        Jake got another full breath of fresh air before he turned his attention to me with his wild eyes, "You heard what he said right?"

        I nodded and looked back at the shop, "What was that smell though?"

        Jake shook his head and looked back at the shop with me.

        Thought about what the smell could be, why it smelled as revolting as it did. I was horrified when I came to the realization of what it could be though, "Jake.. I think it smelled like death.."

        Jake looked back at me then threw up a hand, "Of course you would know what that smells like."

        I shook my hand, shrugging off the joke, "I'm serious dude."

        Jake's stare didn't waver from me, but I could see in his eyes that he was pretty rattled. I pointed up at the shop while looking at him, "Maybe we should check out what that smell was coming from at least?"

        Jake tried to shake his head and I'm pretty sure he was starting to say something about how stupid the idea was, but we heard a voice come from inside the shop. It sounded like the creep that was originally in the shop when we first left. My crazy drive of curiosity had gotten the better of me and I started walking back into the shop. I heard Jake trying to furiously whisper something to me, but I didn't hear it, I was in a trance. I just kept walking until I could feel Jake behind me and my hand on the handle to the door.

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