Going home

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I don't think I would be able to fill Luke's shoes in terms of writing, but here goes. My name is Augden, Luke has been missing for several days now and we had just found his laptop under all his clothes in his bag. I don't really know how to explain what's been going on to us these past few days, I don't think any of us want to. All of our friends were going missing day by day and none of us knew what was going on. Let me explain from the beginning. Well, from the beginning from when Luke disappeared.

It was after an hour of us watching TV and idly talking that we realized Luke hadn't come back from throwing out the trash. We probably didn't think too much off it at the time, for whatever reason as all of our friends were disappearing by the day. When we all decided to go to sleep though, Luke still hadn't come back to the room. My first thought was to call him, just to make sure where he was. So that's what I did.

There were several rings before a voice came on over the phone, "Hey..."

"Luke, where are you?" I asked quickly before I heard the rest of the message.

"You know what to do at the beep." Then there was an awkward beep after his voice.

I sighed in frustration as I hung up my phone. I walked back over to Lily and Anika's room, who were sitting on their beds and talking about how we were going to manage to get to the end of the week. I knocked on the wall and they stopped in their conversation to look at me.

Anika looked quietly spoke while looking at the ground, "Augden.. where's Luke?"

I looked over at Lily, who looked like she was holding her breath for the answer, before I responded to Anika. "I don't know.. I think he's gone too."

Lily put her hands up to her mouth and covered them as Anika kept staring at the ground and nodded slowly. I didn't know if I was thinking straight either. I just made sure my room door was closed, walked back over to their room, sat on one of the chairs in the corner, and sometime between me sitting down and a blink I fell asleep in their room. The next day I woke to the sound of a hair dryer, and with the sound of zipping and un-zipping. I opened my eyes to see Lily in front of the sink using the hair dryer, and Anika having a change of beachwear under her normal clothes. I looked at myself, still wearing the same clothes as I was from the day before, even having a small stain of pizza sauce from last night. I groaned as I stretched and stood up out of the seat. Anika glanced over at me and went back to packing a small bag with water and her phone and simple things that one would take to the beach. Lily was done using the hair dryer by the point and she already had casual clothes on too.

Anika finally finished the packing and sighed as I groaned and stretched in some discomfort from sleeping on the chair. "Well, now that you're up, you don't need to be moaning and groaning all over the place. Besides, you need to pack, " she gave me a once over, "and probably a shower too."

I nodded as I yawned and started walking off to my room to pack. I opened the door and saw everything still the same way as it was the night before. I half expected to see Luke brushing his teeth in the bathroom and give me a sideways glance at why I was groaning and stumbling into the room from the girls room. Thinking about that gave me a huge wave of sorrow as I realized that he was probably gone along with everyone else as well. I tried to push the thought out of my mind though as I walked over to the bed where we had our bags and I started to pack it with all of our clothes. I gave my shirt a sniff, and sure enough, I really did need that shower.

After about 30 minutes in the shower, and finishing packing the bags with our clothes and random items we brought, I went back to Anika's room with my bag. When I got back there Anika had already gotten Jake and Raymond's bags in her room, neatly set close to the door like we had just arrived at the hotel that morning. I looked like she had cried too, but I didn't stare too long. I walked over to the foot of their bed and had a seat as we all looked at each other.

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