Day 5: Red.

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"Breathe, Lena. Breathe with me."

"Where is she, Alex!?" Yelled Lena, "Where is Kara?! She promised me she would be here for this!"

Lena was sitting in front of Alex in a shallow pool of warm water at the DEO surrounded by Red Sun Lamps. Everyone knew this day was coming and they'd done their best to prepare for it in whatever way they could. But neither of them was prepared for the day to come at 3 in the morning when Kara was out fighting a rogue alien. Now here she was 8 hours later sitting in front of her sister in law and Kara hadn't so much as called.

"She'll be here, Lena. J'onn, Nia, and Brainy are on their way now to help her."

"What if she doesn't make it in time? What if she doesn't make it back at all?! I can't do this on my own, Alex! I need her here to help me with aaaahhhhhhhh!"

Lena gripped tightly to Alex's hands as another wave of excruciating pain came over her.

"Breathe, Lena! Remember, ride the wave and breathe through it!"

Lena started taking slow and deep breaths attempting to relax herself, but the physical pain mixed with the fact that Kara wasnt there was making it nearly impossible for her to remain calm. Even still, she listened to Alex's coaching breaths and focused on 'smelling the roses and blowing out the candles' a trick she'd learned in one of her classes. For the most part it helped, if nothing else it got her through the next 2 hours. By the time Kara arrived, the pain was nearly too much to bear and Lena was finding it difficult to speak.

"LENA! Lena baby," Exclaimed Kara as she changed out of her suit snd into a clean DEO uniform. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry I wasn't there! I'm here now! I'm here! What can I do? Alex, what can I do?"

"Switch with me, Kara. This is your wife, not mine."

Alex carefully slid out from behind Lena and stepped out of the pool allowing Kara to take her place. She dried off with a towel but didn't bother to change her clothes.

"Kara, I...I was so scared that something had happened to you! That you wouldn't make it back!!"

"I'm so sorry baby, I'm here now!" Kara hugged her wife and kissed her gently on the cheek. "You're doing great, Lena!"

"So great!" Agreed Alex, reaching down into the pool. "It's time! Push Lena!!

"No! No I can't! I'm so tired! I'm so tired, Kara! I can't do this! It hurts, it hurts so much!"

"Lena, baby," comforted Kara gently turning Lena's head to the side so they could gaze into each other's eyes. "You are the strongest woman I know. You CAN do this! You are so close!"

"She's right Lena! I can feel her head! It's right here! Now when the next contraction comes, I want you to push! You can do this, Lena!"

Moments later, Lena squeezed both of her wife's hands feeling the bones crack and pop in her grip - the red sunlamps were to protect Lena from delivering a half Kryptonian baby, but they also weakened Kara in the process. But after one final push and a scream that could be heard from miles away, Lena's body relaxed into her wife over whelmed with emotion as Alex lifted the most beautiful baby girl from the water and placed her at Lena's breast.

The three women cried tears of joy as Alex checked the baby's vitals, waiting until the cord stopped pulsating to clamp it for Kara to cut. None of them spoke much, too overwhelmed with emotion to say anything other than "I love you" over and over to their new daughter.

After being sure both mom and baby were safe, they got to work moving Lena from the birthing pool into the nearby bed. Kara held their new daughter as Alex drained the water from the pool and helped Lena dry off and get wrapped into a warm robe, placing The baby once again at Lena's breast inside the robe. Once they were settled, Alex excused herself from the room to get changed and share the good news with their family, allowing Kara and Lena to bond with their new daughter in private.

2 hours later, the superfriends - along with Eliza, Alura, and Zor-El - were escorted by Alex into the room to meet the newest addition to the family.

Kara was standing beside Lena holding a beautiful baby with the most beautiful red curly hair and Blue-Green eyes.

"Lena and I would like you all to meet our daughter, Katherine Alura Luthor-Danvers Zor-El."

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