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"You cheated on me.... Cheating is a Choice Jimin not a Mistake... You choose to cheat on me..." I said. His eyes looks teary he looks at me his eyes telling me how sorry he is.

"B-But now that i talked to you... I.. can forgive.... But it will take time. I will forgive you but i won't forget what you did to me... Because even if i want to i can't and i shouldn't." I said and smiled bitterly. I want to go home now... I want to sleep... I want to see JiHyun... She would make me feel better. I'm feeling so... So much emotions. I don't want this. It's.. its just too much.

"Thank you... Thank you Y/N that you're willing to forgive.. I promise i will work and earn your forgiveness." He said. He looks sincere... Should I believe him? He said it's a promise.. but I don't trust his promises anymore... I don't even trust him anymore...

"You.. you know Jimin..." I said and wipe away my tears.

"All these years i badly wanted your reason. But now that i heard it... I.. hate your stupid reason...." I said. His reason to why he did is so small. Such a small reason made me experience hell. He became greedy... He wanted more... And he did.

"Y/N.... I'm sorry... I really am" He said and look down. I sigh and stand up.

"Don't just say it. Show it." I said and he look up to me.

"I will. I will make it up to you and JiHyun" He said. He looks determined. I hope he do that.

"Can I go home now? Since we already talked... I guess that's enough" I said and start to walk. He followed behind me keeping a safe distance. My stupid heart... It's doing things that would just hurt itself... Like now beating loudly because i can feel jimin staring at me. Why do i still love him after knowing his almost not acceptable reason? Should my brain work or heart? I asked myself. A very difficult question. But I choose to let both work i guess.

"Y/N..." I heard Jimin mumble behind me. I stopped on my tracks but I didn't turn around i waited for him to talk.

"When could i see JiHyun?" He ask.

"Monday." I said shortly and continue walking. We reach his car and i was about to open the door for myself when he quickly open it for me. I get inside and he quickly get himself on the driver's seat and start the engine and drive out of his house.

Silence. The silence is starting to annoy me. But what can i say to him? Nothing. I wonder if i can ask him if him and i have a chance. I smiled to myself at that thought. But it quickly disappeared when i remembered something..... Seulgi.

Oh my stupid heart. How could i forget that Jimin already have someone? I should not hope... I just don't know... There's two sides in me fighting...I dont want me and jimin to be together... He already cheated on me and he could do it again.. he might get tired of me again and find someone else again... While the other side of me want to be with him again. Because it misses his cuddles, hugs, kisses and i love you's.. and the warmth when I'm in his embrace. That side of me believe that me and jimin can be happy again... But the other side of me says no because what if me and him become happy again and he cheats again? Then history repeats itself? The past will repeat? I don't want that. But i want him. Yet i dont.

I sigh frustratedly this is so much confusing to me. So frustrating! So.. so painfully frustrating! I saw Jimin look at me curiously probably wondering why i have an angry face all of a sudden.

I want to ask him... But I'm afraid of the risk... But i would never know the answer unless i became brave right? Right.

"Jimin..." I mumble. It's now or never. I need to know. I need to know his answer.

"Hmm? What is it?" He ask and glance at me but still focus on the road.

"Do.. you have a girlfriend...?" I ask. I gulp i can hear my loud heart beating nervously for his answer. He suddenly stop the car. Good thing we're on the highway and it's night time and there's only a few cars driving. He looks at me after stopping the car. I can't read his emotions his is blank.

"....No. I don't have a girlfriend..." He said and looks away and start the car again and continue driving. I think my heart is celebrating right now but not my brain. What if he said he doesn't have a girlfriend... Because he have a fiancè...? A... Wife? I pushed away those thoughts. And just stare out of the window.

After a few more minutes we arrived in front of my house. He unbuckle his seatbelt and reaches mine and unbuckle it. What is he doing? If he doesn't stop this act soon... I don't know anymore. He is really giving my heart a reason to hope...

We got out the car and stood in front of the gate. I look on my house and saw all lights are off they're probably asleep. I look at Jimin and he's staring at me. I smiled at him.

"Well... Goodbye. Just come to our house on monday." I said. I turn around and opened the gate and walk in. I was about to close the gate when he speak.

"Goodbye... For now." He said and i look at him. He smiled at me...Oh how i miss his smiles...

I smiled back and turn around and walk. "Goodnight, Love." I heard Jimin's voice say those words. I stopped after i took six steps. I froze on my spot blinking my eyes. Did i heard him right? Am i dreaming? Or am i just hearing his voice in my head?

I shook my head and continue walking. I think I'm hearing things... Yeah i think so.. i had long stressful painful day and because of it maybe im hallucinating things. Hearing things i wanted to hear that would make me feel better. I continue walking until i reach the door and go inside the house without looking back.

To be Continue...

I finished this without re-reading it will edit next time.

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