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JiHyun POV

"Mama! Dessert time!!!" I exclaimed happily after finishing my meal. Yaya cooked Rice and Chicken Adobo for dinner. I drink some water first and Yaya Cora took away my plate and Mama is also finished eating also Yaya cora because she ate with us always because she's family. After she clear the table she took out the Chocolate Cake that's from Mommy's Cafè. She put down the cake and get some plates and spoons. I excitedly slice a piece and put it on my plate and eat it. Mommy's baking skills is the best! She could be a professional! I happily ate my cake and after eating Mama followed me to my room and Mama choose my pajamas to wear.

I told mama i can bath myself. After i took a bath i wear the pajamas mama pick for me and we lay on the bed.

"Read me a book Mama! The one that Uncle Yoongi gave me" I said and Mama agreed amd get the new book i have that Uncle Yoongi give to me. Mama started reading the story and i listen carefully understanding the story.

"The boy met a girl in the middle of the forest while he's hunting some deer. The girl was injured! So he helped her and brought her to his house that's also in the forest. The boy treated the girl's wound and cook for her. After the girl ate he told the girl that he would leave and come back later because because he have to go amd visit his lover." Mama was in the middle of the story and I'm still listening not even feeling a bit sleepy. Why did Uncle Yoongi gave me a book like this? I know what will happen to the story though the girl from the forest will steal the boy from his lover! But i do like stories like this though pretty exciting yet irritating. I don't like fairytales, princesses, prince and happy ending like what i used to like. I now like stories that's more in reality like.

"Elyn the boy's lover was devastated she was crying all night after she saw her lover kissing another girl. She was angry but mostly sad and hurt. She can't believe that the boy broke his promise..." Oh... I zone out earlier and missed some part of the story... But what did the boy just did?! How dare he hurt his lover! He's.... He's so bad for doing that!!.... It kind of remind me of something... But i can't remember what it is...

"Okay! I think that's enough now! What is Yoongi thinking giving a child a story like this? That kid is unbelievable." Mama said put away the book and give me the milk that dhe brought earlier.

"Here drink this Jihyun. Aren't you sleepy yet?" She ask and hand me the milk. I get it but i won't drink it for now.

"I'm not yet sleepy Mama. I will drink this a bit later. You can go now Mama i will sleep after 10 minutes." I said and i stood up and put the glass of milk on the bedside table for now.

"Oh my Apo is a big girl now! When you where still a little girl you always can't sleep when no one is with you in the same room!" Mama said dramatically.

"Mama I'm seven I can handle myself now unlike when i was still four. Please go to your room now Mama and sleep. It's late na po." I said. And she sigh 'dramatically' Why is she dramatic today?

"Good Night, SweetDreams Jihyun" She said and kissed my forehead.

"GoodNight Mama" I said and smiled to her and she turned off the lights and leave the lamp on amd left the room.

I grab the glass of milk and turn off the lamp and walk near the window. I'm planning on waiting gor Mommy to come back. Daddy maybe with her!

I stood infront of the window on the middle and slightly I moved the curtain a little just enough for me to see outside. Our house is not really big like uncle jin's house. Our house is a modern house theme and our front hard is... Not big but not too smal... I don't know the size since i might be smart but not in math.

Our neighbors houses are mostly made of wood and looks very old but cool. But i prefer to call my neighbors chismosang kapitbahay like what i heard yaya cora said long ago.

I drink the milk and took a step away from the window and was about to put the glass down to the night stand when i heard a car sound outside. I quickly turn to the window again and move the curtains a little and peek outside. There's a car in front of our gate. The door opens and someone get outs. It's Mommy! I can see her because of the light pole near our gate. And someone also came out to the other side of the car. I can feel the fast beating of my heart. I'm sure that must be daddy!! I'm feeling so happy amd excited right now. I am smiling widely i can feel tears of joy in my eyes.

I can't see his face when he gets out but when he walks near our gate the light reaches him. My smile drops at what i saw... It's... It's him? The Jimin Guy..? I blink my eyes again and again. But when i look at him it's really him... That Jimin guy that i met from Uncle Jin's house. I can't believe i already my daddy and I didn't even knew that!

Knowing that Jimin guy is my daddy the smile on my face came back! But remembering how we met... The story he told me... What he did to my mommy... My smile fades away again and my eyes tear up but this time not because of joy... But because... Because of a emotion i couldn't quite understand what it is... Sad? Angry? Hurt... That because i knew what he did to my mommy...

I sigh and took one last glance to mommy and... Him... And i quickly walk to my bed and put down the glass on the nightstand amd lay on the bed. I buried my face on the pillow and cried. Daddy... Daddy broke mommy's heart? That's... That's why he's not with us? But... But... Soyeon and Jaemin his children...I can't help but cry harder to the thought of that. That he have other children with someone else. That there is no way i will have a complete family when daddy have another family... But why is he with them instead of us? Are they more important than me and mommy? Or is it because he love Jaemin and Soyeon more than me? I can't help but envy them... Soyeon how lucky she is that my daddy is with her while growing up... I cried myself to sleep feeling so much sadness after knowing the truth without even Mommy confirming it but i know i am right... I just know.

To be Continue...

I just updated again after updating not so long ago!😸 Sometimes the reason why updates are slow is because this story is not planned i jusy write what's on my mind What i planned in my mind that i always forget. THAT'S IT FOR TONIGHT 😊 THANK YOU FOR READING!

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