chapter 9- there aint no way im sorry for what i did

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Someone whispered. Or maybe they screamed it frantically, i wouldn't be able to tell you.
I half opened an eye and didnt see anybody, but i could hear voices surrounding me.
I opened my eyes completely and scrunched my face at the sudden brightness.
"Gerard." I heard again.
And again.
And again.
Why cant i just suffer in peace?
I finally muttered a 'yeah' out of my mangled lips and it stopped. But I still overheard people saying that apparently i got beat up pretty bad. And thats not even the worst part.
Frank did it.
It was as if i had just realized that for the first time again because it struck me like a bullet.
What have i ever done to him?
'You were born, and now you're here.' Someome said.
I looked up and at my surroundings.
Bleak olive walls, brown couches, medical equipment, and... Frank?
Yep, that was most definately Frank hunched over on a couch against the wall leaning down on his knees with his head in his hands.
"Uh, did you say something?" I croaked, desperately needing a drink. And ibuprofen.
Yes, i really needed ibuprofen. Everything hurt.
Frank glanced up, as if just noticing i was there.
He looked confused, and then a wave of panic (at the disco) and realization crossed his face.
He launced himself out of his spot and made an attempt to leave, but i wasnt having that.
"Wait! Please. I just want to talk. Why do you keep avoiding me?" I lept to my feet, but wished i hadnt because i saw stars and blacked out before i could say anything else.

I must have been out for a while because when I woke back up, it was dark out.
Someone, maybe Frank? But I doubt that, must have at least given a fragment of a shit about me because somehow I ended up back in a hospital bed, rather than the ground where I'd last been.
I guess passing out twice in a day really had an effect on me because I didn't even notice the boy sitting in a chair next to my bed until he awkwardly coughed and shuffled in his seat.
I must have looked surprised, okay, maybe even a little terrified, because he quickly jumped up and tried to calm me down before I could react.
"Hey, I'm Ray. Im not going to hurt you or anything. Trust me. I found you on the floor over there," he gestured with his thumb, "and ran and got help. I didn't want anyone's death hanging over my head or anything you know? I mean. If you want I'll totally leave, I just thought that you'd maybe want some company and it's not like I have anything better to do and-" he paused, blushing.
"Sorry I'm rambling."
I smiled my first genuine smile in a long time and offered him my hand to shake. I know that was kinda weird, but I didn't know how else to seal the deal and just went with it.
He took my hand cautiously and smiled when we shook.
"Im Gerard," I said and smiled back at him.
"Hey Gerard. I've heard about you. You're rooming in Frank's room. Right?" He asked and I nodded.
"Yep, if you could even say that. I haven't actually talked to the guy. I think he hates me. He's actually the reason why I'm here." I explained and he raised an eyebrow.
I gestured to my face and told him how he punched me until I blacked out and then even about the conversation we had when I woke up the first time and then he was a part of the story anyway so it worked out.
I didn't know why, but it was really easy talking to Ray. He was friendly and accepting, and made me feel like he actually cared about what I had to say.
Maybe we could be friends someday.
Maybe this place really wasn't that bad.
Screw frank.

Yay guys hopefully that's longer than the other chapters bc I feel like it is cx
But gah I really wanna keep writing bc I'm in a huge writing mood/ just having the itch (basically what I call it when I wanna create everything, you know what I'm talking about¿) and usually that comes and goes so hopefully it'll stick around for a bit or else I'm gonna have to glue it to my forehead c;< okay that doesn't make sense & I don't make sense I'm sorry as usual I'm tired and sore bc I started tennis at school and we literally did suicides
it was death and I almost passed out so yay cx
But yeah. I'll shut up now and hopefully this was kinda okay and idek love me xD

Vote/comment if you feel up to it to make me happy <3 ily guys

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