Chapter 13

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Hey guys. I know it's been really long and I'm sorry, I myself hate when people do that so I understand and comprehend that I suck big time. sorry. but anyway, idk. In all honesty I don't know where I want to go with this story and I keep telling myself to move my butt but clearly it never happens cx so after reading my last chapter and deciding it sounds like a 5th grader wrote it, I shall write another 5th grader chapter for your personal amusement (collective groans)

(Back to Gerard's POV)

I nudged Frank with my elbow while we sat on a picnic table just outside the cafe on a small and shriveled patio area they sometimes let us out on pretty much as often as I get laid.

So never.

But, that's the thing, hence the reason why I nudged Frank in the first place.

We weren't, technically, let's say, allowed out here.

But he was too busy dreaming through the clouds and I was too busy picking apart a dandelion petal by petal to notice an oncoming security guard before it was too late.

"Hey!" He shouted, looping fingers through his belt loops and running toward us, with a face of fire.

'If only he had a belt' Frank silently spoke before gripping my arm and dragging me with him as we ran well ahead of the slightly plump security guard who clearly hadn't run in the past decade. I laughed to myself as we threw ourselves against the ground near a small shed that appeared to be full of gardening supplies.

To go back to the part about Frank speaking but not exactly making words, well, I guess you could call it modern-day telekinesis, but from what I've understood based on what Frank has told me, himself and I can hear other's thoughts. That's apparently why we have been diagnosed as schizophrenic, leading the common human to believe the voices I hear in my head are unreal. If only they knew, wouldn't that be fun?
But I had been thinking of that a lot for the past week since Frank broke the news to me and I tested his theory.

It made quite a lot of sense actually, that's why I believed him in the first place.

Back at home, my teacher never actually pulled the lesson to insult me, I mean, in his head he most surely did, but nobody else had to know that. And my mother and brother weren't fucking with me as a joke like I thought, they literally were thinking that I was losing it, and they couldn't have been more wrong.

I've gained things from this.

I've gained a control over my life, greater than ever. I could always know ahead of time what someone's next actions were going to be or whether they were telling the truth or not.

I've gained a sense of confidence as well, I now know I'm not really destined for the looney bin.

And most importantly? I've gained Frank. Just anybody couldn't replicate the trust we shared with one another, it was a tight bond and it just couldn't be broken or avoided.

Why I was thinking about this now as Captain Donut-Fingers was out to get us, I couldn't explain if I tried.

I glanced at Frank to my left and he nodded at me as to say "we're okay now," and that's all I needed at the moment to gain the courage to do what I next did.

Giving Frank one last grim smirk, I launched myself out of our hiding spot, completely blowing our cover, and hustled over to the security guard while his back was turned and kicked him behind the knees.

What I didn't know was that he had called for backup already and I was soon wrestled off of him and smacked practically through the ground, probably nearing the country on the opposite side of the globe as I.

Well I certainly learned that lesson the hard way.

After everything stopped spinning, I squinted open my eyes to see Frank leaning over me.

Out of impulse, I brushed his shaggy brown hair out of his eyes where it has slipped across his forehead and made an attempt to break into his eyes.
He swallowed hard before standing up and instructing me to do the same.

In his hands, he held two tasers and a small pistol, weapons he must have stolen off of the original guard after knocking him out and then proceeded to scare away the other officers, but chances are they were coming back anyway.

He slid a taser over to me and I gulped, but gripped it tightly not allowing my fear to soak through, but Frank knew. How could be not? He was practically living inside my forehead and he held the key to the doors that held everything inside.

And the best part?
I held the key to his.

We were gonna make it, dead or alive, I was not going to surrender myself no matter what.

And to think, this all just started because Frank and I decided to be assholes and reject the rule's here.

I turned my back to Frank, surveying the damage around us, but when I looked back around, he was gone.

And Captain Donut was back. And boy, was he pissed.

I dunno guys kinda filler kinda not this isn't even really that much of the plot line (which by the way, I totally figured it all out and you're all gonna hate me for it but hey hopefully that means quicker and bettererrrerrr updates and such c;) but I wanted to let you see their friendship thinger and yes and idk I was just feelin' a bit of trouble so even tho it was lame I did warn you at the beginning and at least update and at least at least at least cx
It's okay I realize I suck cx

What's gonna happen to Frank and Gerard? Comment if you wanna make me happy ((happy Emily=more updatessss just putting that out there))

But yeah please vote or comment or something and lemme know what you think bc I can't make it better if you don't /.\

Ily guys and I hope you're having a good life <3


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