Chapter 3

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Bree's POV

I sat on my bed thinking about what Amy said. I mean she was completely right. I was going early go see Aaron. But Amy can't know that. She would be so mad at me if I hooked up with her brother. Come on isn't that like a number one no-no. Don't fall in love with your best friends brother. But sadly it's already happened. I am in love with Aaron Goodwin. I can't help it though, he's sweet, funny, caring, sexy. What's there not to love about him. I sighed and opened my messages on my phone and started texting Aaron.

B: Hey. Is it cool if I come over now? I'm bored lol

I went down stairs and grabbed a mountain dew from my fridge while I waited for Aaron to text back. Not even a minute later my phone whistled letting me know I had an incoming text.

A: B you know you are always welcome anytime you want.

I smiled and and quickly replied while grabbing my stuff.

B: k be there in a few.

I walked out of my house and got into my 1969 Chevrolet Camero SS and drove across town to Aaron's house. I parked in his driveway and walked up to the door and knocked. Within seconds the door was open and I was wrapped up in a giant bear hug. I giggled and hugged Aaron.

"I've missed you B. Its great to see you again... finally. "Aaron whispered in my ear while holding me.

It felt amazing to be in his arms. I thought I was gonna melt if he didn't let go soon. As if reading my mind Aaron quickly pulled back and looked at his hands.

"Did you bring your stuff for later?" he asked curiously.

I just kinda stared at him. "Huh? Oh yeah, my bags in my car. I wasn't sure if I should grab it now or later." I blushed and tried not to embarrass myself.

Aaron just laughed and shook his head. "Go get it. You can put your stuff in the guest room." He told me.

I grinned and nodded before running to my car to grab my bag. I ran back inside and put my stuff upstairs. I went into the bathroom and rubbed some cold water on my cheeks to try an calm my nerves.

I shouldn't be nervous. What am I saying. I am alone with the man I have fallen head over heels for. I thought to myself. Ok Breanna you can do this. Its Aaron you'll be fine. I mentally prepped myself. I looked in the mirror to make sure my make-up was ok before walking out of the bathroom. I sighed and started going downstairs. I was almost to the bottom step when I heard Aaron talking. I thought someone was early until I realized Aaron was talking to himself. I scrunched my eyebrows, confused I leaned against the wall and tried to listen to what he was saying.
"Chill dude. Don't do anything stupid. Especially in front of B. Do something stupid and you'll never get a chance with her" Aaron groaned.

Well I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. Im not feeling too great about it but oh well. Comment vote. You know the drill


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