chapter 6

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Bree's POV

I was absolutely shell shocked. I knew about Aarons feelings, only because I accidentally over heard him talking to himself, but the words he spoke made my heart flutter and my tummy fill with millions of butterflies. I couldn't believe that Aaron felt that way just as long as I have.

I looked up at him and smiled. "You've loved me for 10 years?" I asked surprised. He nodded slowly still unsure of my feelings. "I..I've felt the same way for just as long. Ever since that day Amy had me come hang out and you were on break from college. She was so excited for me to meet you." I happily told him, "and now she's gonna hate me when she finds out about us..." I frowned and leaned into his chest as I felt tears fill my eyes. I felt and heard him sigh deeply. "B, if Amy can't accept us then she isn't a true friend. She should be happy for us. I mean if there is an us..." He had his arms around my waist still and was gently rubbing my back to calm me down. He was perfect, he knew just the right ways to help me feel better. He lifted my chin to look into my eyes and he saw the tears threatening to fall, he wiped the lone tear that escaped. "Bree don't cry. Everything will turn out fine. And don't worry I'll be right next to you when we finally let everyone know. Well as long as you'll accept my offer to be the best boyfriend you've ever had. I love you Breanna Smith. Will you be my girlfriend?" He smiled a goofy smile that made me laugh and forget about the sad tears and only worry about the happy ones that started falling when he said he loves me. I bit my lip and nodded , "hell yes I'll be your girlfriend. I've waited 10 years for this to happen. I love you too bear." I smiled and stood on my tippy toes and kissed him softly on the lips.

I slowly pulled back and smiled up at him shyly and stepped out of his grasp. I turned to go back upstairs when Aaron grabbed my hand and spun my around pinning me against the wall. My eyes went wide when I saw the lust in his eyes. "And where do you think your going Miss Smith?" He huskily asked me. I opened my mouth to say something when he crashed his mouth against mine. My heart beat fast and I tried to move my hands unsuccessfully due to the fact that Aaron had them pinned above my head. I kissed him back with as much passion as he had initiated. His body pressed tightly against mine didn't help the problem he cause me to have earlier. I managed to get one hand away from his grip and immediately cupped my hand around the back of his neck pulling him closer if it was even possible. He slightly pulled back from the kiss and looked at my face. I slowly opened my eyes and panted trying to catch my breath.

"Wow" I whispered with a breathy voice. I looked up at him and couldn't comprehend what was happening. Everything was going fast yet slow at the same time and my head wouldn't stop spinning. "This is a dream come true" I softly told Aaron. He chuckled, "for you and me both babe." He leaned down to kiss me once more when the door bell rang.

Groaning he let go of me, stealing one last kiss before walking to the door and letting the intruder in. Okay whoever it was, wasn't an intruder but they couldn't of have any worse timing than they did. I was still leaning against the wall, mouth slightly parted when I decided to quickly run up the stairs and into the guest bedroom. I sat on the bed and tried to figure out what just happened. I licked my lips out of habbit and could taste the sweetness of coffee from Aarons lips. I could get used to that. I smiled to myself beforereachingi into my bag to grab my bikini and my toiletries before walking into the conjoined bathroom. I quickly stripped from my clothes and put on my bikini, I knew Aaron liked seeing me in this bikini. I've caught him check me out in it before.

I shook my head and laughed as I thought about my new goofy boyfriend. Thats going to take some time getting used to saying. Aaron Goodwin, the biggest teddy bear in the world, one of the most popular ghost hunters in the world, was my boyfriend. He could have any girl in the world but he wants me. I smiled at the thought of Aaron.

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