chapter 5

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Aarons POV

Bree kept her face in my neck as I whispered to her. I took a deep breath, scared shitless to confess my feelings for her. We had a moment and in that moment I realized that I couldn't keep this a secret anymore. She didn't seem appalled at the idea just nervous maybe. And I wouldn't blame her for being nervous, even a little scared maybe. I am her best f friends older brother and not just 2 or 3 years older but 6 years older. That's a tad intimidating, if you know what I mean. But she's always been there for me when I need a shoulder to lean on. And I will admit that I did have a crush on her back when her and Amy were in high school. No I'm not a perv, I would have waited for her to be legal before trying anything.

Then I met Sheena and we became bestfriends and got together soon after. When Amy and Bree were in 11th grade Sheena and I got married, now of course I still had that crush on Bree but I assumed she would never even give think of being with me. Then just a couple years ago I was with my crew/best friends at Bobby Mackey's, hunting ghosts, when a demonic spirit attached itself to me and followed me home. Sheena and I fought continuously for a few weeks, and the fights were bad, not physical but verbal and we started feeling hatred towards each other and had thoughts of hurting each other. I think the spirit knew who my heart truly belonged to, so I asked Sheena for a divorce, just to keep her safe, which she gladly agreed to. Bree was there for me through the whole divorce. Shes just always been the for me and I love her for that.

I pulled back from her shoulder and stood straight. I rubbed her back softly trying to think of how to tell her without scaring her away. All I was afraid of was her rejecting me. That would probably shatter my heart.

"Bree" I whispered and tried to look at her face. She wouldn't move, she just sighed. "B.. I don't know where to start." I breathed deeply and pulled on her chin so she was looking at me. I stared into her eyes. "What is it bear?" She asked softly putting one hand on my cheek and resting the other on my chest. I absolutely loved her pet names for me. The guys always teased me when they hear her call me by them, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I rubbed my cheek on her hand and sighed glancing at her lips before looking back at her eyes. "I..I've been keeping a secret from you for a while now." I really had no clue how to tell her. And I felt as though I was already messing things up. "This is really hard for me to say and I have no clue why B." My palms were getting sweaty and my heart was thumping hard. "Bear, its me you can tell me anything you know this boo. Don't be so nervous. I'll always be here." She whispered while rubbing my cheekbone with her thumb. I smiled slightly and got a little confidence boost when she said that. Breath Aaron you can do this I told myself and took a deep breath. "Breanna.. You may not know this but you've got the key to my heart.. I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you since the first day I met you. And I can't imagine my life without you in it." I told her softly before leaning down and kissing her softly waiting for her to pull away and slap me, but to my surprise she wrapped her arms my neck and pulled me closer before kissing me back.


Sorry it's not as long as the last chapter but I felt the need to end it here. Also sorry for the cliff hanger. But don't worry, more will be up soon. I'm just on a writing spree tonight so I may just have a couple more chapters up tonight but I'm not making any promises. However, I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to give me feed back. Vote. Comment.


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