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(1 month later) 

"I was thinking that we could host a record release party," Jisung suggested. He had the idea in his mind for a while, and now that there was a meeting being held about plans for this new drop, he could finally actually bring it up. 

"What do you suppose would happen at this party?" One of the higher-ups asked, wanting to have a general idea of the plan so that they could go forward with it if possible. They wanted Jisung to do what he wanted for his album drops, but if they couldn't get the information they needed beforehand, then it was going to be an automatic no. They needed time to prepare for such events. 

Jisung leaned forward in his seat, resting his crossed hands on the table while thinking about explaining the idea properly. "I thought that we could invite different groups, not just from this company, but others as well, and the video would premiere there as well?"

"And do you have any idea where this could be held?"

Jisung thought for a moment before answering. "Honestly, no. But We can get into that later if the idea gets approved, can't we?"

"With the release in just three months, I'm not sure that we would be able to get it through on time."

"I'm sure there's a hall or something that would be willing to let us in," Jisung offered. He wanted to have this party since it was something that he had never done before, and the idea was something that he could only imagine happening, but now, there was a possibility of it becoming a reality. 

"Well, it's not only that, but it would have to be big enough to hold however many people come, and we'd also have to get in contact with the other companies to see who would be available. Setting the place up and all of that would take a while as well. The idea is nice, and I'll write it down to bring it up later, okay?"

Jisung nodded, accepting that answer. It was realistic, which he was completely okay with. He preferred that someone told him straight up whether he could do something or not rather than them saying yes and then later down the road, saying no. He didn't like being lied to. 

"Okay, well, if that's all, then I think this meeting is over," the man at the head of the table announced. 

Everyone stood up, giving their formalities before exiting the meeting room. The meeting had gone on for far too long in Jisung's mind, but it was necessary. He grabbed his phone from the table in front of him to check the time. Seeing that it was close to afternoon and he didn't have any scheduled plans for the rest of the day, he looked up at his managers that were stood by the door, waiting for him to do something. 

"I'm going to make a call," he informed them, adding onto the end, "Privately."

They nodded their heads and walked out of the room, closing the door behind them. He knew that they were going to stand by the door until he came out, but it was good enough. As long as they weren't in the room, he didn't care. The call he was going to make wasn't anything bad or weird, but he preferred to make calls alone rather than in front of people. It felt awkward to have phone conversations in front of other people. 

He placed the phone to his ear, hearing it ring. Once it finally stopped, he waited to see if Felix had answered or if it went to his voicemail. "Hello?"

"You answered!"

"Yeah, what's going on?" Felix asked, not sure why Jisung was calling him. The two had been fairly distant with each other, but Felix always dismissed it, saying that he was busy with work all the time. Jisung didn't always believe him, especially with Chan in his ear all the time, but he never questioned it. He wanted to trust Felix. If there was no trust in the relationship, then was it worth being in one at all?

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