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We can change our lives in a second, turn it around even in the worst situations. Anything as easy as saying hello to your crush or listening to a band for the first time, or something extreme, like packing  a bag and finally getting out. I'm about to change everything, for better or for worse, I'm not sure.  It seems like something little to anyone else, but I know it could do big things.

There she stood, as beautiful as always in those tight blue skinny jeans and cleavage revealing tank top, her long dark brown hair falling in a mess down her back and all I could think of was wrapping my fingers in it and pulling her close. I tugged at my own long, dyed, processed rainbow hair self consciously.

Alicia is the pretties specimen on this planet and all guys fight for her and she's every lesbians dream. To my knowledge, she's strait as Ashley Purdy, while me? I'm as strait as Tyler Oakley. (Not at all) I've dreamed of calling her mine for five years and now I'm taking some action.

She was standing at the front of the cafeteria with her much less radiant freidns and all i could see was her. I walked with confidence,, knowing it's all or nothing, do or die, and now or never.

I chose all, do, and now.

Her friends glanced towards me and snorted as I made my way to them, typical bitch girl move. But her, she just thre me a curious look and my confidence as withering away but I will not let it show. I took about ten more steps and then I was in front of Alicia Ry.

Her blue eyes started at me while her friends stuck up their nose as if they were any better than me, ha. My mind was reeling and I knew this could go one of two ways, she becomes disgusted and pushes me away and everyone laughs at me and I have to live through the rest of my senior year in a bathroom stall to hide from the humiliation, or she pulls me closer and everyone respects me from that day fore ward.

I decided to stop thinking and pushed my lips to hers before I could phyc(?) myself out. Her plump, pink, gloss covered lips moved with mine and happy didn't cover it. I felt the entire schools eyes on me and head her friends loud gasps and cries but that all didn't matter because that kiss was the best thing that happened in my entire life.

Alicia had her hands tied in my hair and mine in hers and Good lord Jesus, I was exploding, my insides covering the walls and gorilla's jumping from my stomach were they have been living and Alicia was oblivious to it all.

I hate breathing.

Why? Because we had to break apart to breathe. I would give up breathing to keep kissing her forever.

Her hands untangled from my hair as mine did hers and we stepped away and my blood red lipstick was smeared on her lips and her gloss was on mine. She smiled at me and grabbed my hand, pulling it up in the air like they do to champions at a wrestling match and we both turned to the rest of the school and she shouted over the whispers beginning to circulate.

"This chick here is tougher than all of you! You all text me your unwanted nudes and stuff notes im my locker or stare from a distance and the lesbians and bi's don't even try. I've never had any sexual interactions with a male and I never want to. You people couldn't put two and two together?! I'll make it real easy for you, I'M A LESBIAN SO HARD. No one has approached me all my hi9gh school life except for now, and it's the shyest girl in this while damn school! She walked up to me with confidence and kissed me like she knew I was gay. That's attractive, your man parts aren't so please, leave then out of anything involving me. All of you are pathetic for not even being able to say hello. An Ellen and Carrie, stop looking at Alex (me) like she's fucking dirt, I only hang out with you two because everyone else here is to scared to talk to me because I'm pretty and that scares them for whatever dumb reason. You two can consider yourselves unfriended."

I was shaking and smiling the biggest I ever had as Alicia turned to me.  "Let's get out of here."


go for it, whatever it is. Go for your dreams, even if your dreams straight, you never know.

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