Warm Ups

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(Basically this is written from vic fuentes' point of view, and it's not a romantic thing or anything like that it's just something I think they should add into fic more often bc he's known for doing it...kind of. okay thanks for reading.)

I sit on the floor in the now empty tour bus. People bustle around outside, hurrying to set up stages, lights, ect. The other boys are somewhere else and Adam is following them around doing what he does best; recording and snapping pictures.

My legs are flat out in front of me, toe to toe, thigh to thigh. This is one of my only alone times on tour, and sometimes it's nice to not have much alone time because even though I've over come depression, it likes to visit, so having people around me to get my mind off things like that is nice, but other times I just need to be alone and sort out all the thoughts in my head.

I grab my old, busted up studio headphones from beside me and slipped them over my head, the action being followed by picking up my phone and choosing a calming song.

I took a deep breathe in and out four times before butterfly stretching. I stuck the bottom of my feet together, holding them with my hands, and pulled them as far back as I could, causing a harsh feeling in my lower hamstring.

I took another deep breath in and out before leaning my head backwards letting thoughts fly through my head.Thoughts ranging from my girlfriend Danielle and how it saddens me that the fans treat her like shit, to how long it's been since I've seen ma and pa and how I missed home cooked meals. Just because I'm a 32 year old grown man doesn't mean I don't have time fro my moms meals and dad's talks.

No matter how old I am, family will always be a large part of my life, my ma and pa are the reason I'm here, I owe my life to them, and I'll spend my life repaying them for all they've done for me, they tried their hardest even if sometimes they left me down and sad, or discouraged and upset, they gave me the three things i needed the most, food, shelter, and clothes.

I think about how thankful I am for the lifestyle I live, sure, at times it's rough, touring almost 24/7, always making songs when I'm not touring, barely seeing my family, skyping with them on a nightly basis, trying to maintain a relationship, all those things are difficult but I do it all for the kids like me, the kids who've felt like me. the kids who supply me the money to buy the clothes on my back. We do it for the kids, we try and be the best role models we can because these kids deserve so much but have so little.

I spend hours going through fan mail and I've never thrown away a fan's presents and gifts, never ever and I don't plan to. Our fans are our everything. Sometimes though I feel as if all we do though is never enough, we're touring the world, working our asses off while doing so trying to make sure as many of them can meet us as possible because we all know what it felt like to be a teenager going through problems only music can fix and desperately wanting to thank said musician for all they've done. We're doing Warped also to give the americans yet another chance to come see us and other bands because we want as many fans as possible to see us, we just want to give them as many opportunities as possible.

But everyone on twitter and instagram are complaining, Where's the new album?

 It's been three years, time for some new music.

 You said the album would be out in January, it's may now.

 Album? Do ya'll even care?

Sometimes I almost want to get angry, because here I am, performing every night, giving up time with my family and friends, touring the entire world for these fans,and it's like they don't even care.

I have to remind myself, they're just kids, they don't get it. They're not all complaining, some are appreciative that we're even still existing. I'm just appreciative that they exist, because I would be nothing without them.

I look to the side, sensing someone else in the room and see Adam with him camera, snapping pictures of me and my cargo shorts. He smiles, "Hey Vic. Almost show time, come on."

"Sir, yes sir." I say, saluting him mockingly. We walk through the bus, me having been in the back room, and out then into the venue, waving at fans and occasionally stopping for a quick picture, Adam snapping shots too because that's all he does.

When we get to the stage, waiting to go on goes by in a blur and it seems that in a matter of seconds, i'm entering the stage, guitar in hand, smiling at the thousands of people in the crowd with their hands up in the air, and I remember what it was like to be those kids. I remember what it was like seeing my favorite band live. I remember dreaming about it, making it up in my head to be perfect and I'm sure these kids do to, so I'd like my performance to live up to their dreams and expectations and even exceed so.

I smile and the guys all get their stuff together and we play the best show we possibly can, King For A Day getting the most reaction from the crowd, not only because of Kellin Quinn, who's in it, but also just because it's one of the fan favorites and rightfully so.

King For A Day was the last song of the set and after Kells leaves the stage, the boys all come up to the front with me, sweat seeping through our pores. Mike stands to the left of me and Jaime to the left of him and Tony on the end. We put our arms around each other's shoulders and look out at the smiling and crying kids screaming "I LOVE YOU." Just like I would've if i was a teenage girl at a concert.

I get lost in the eyes of all the kids we've helped and smile. I lift the mike to my lips for the last time tonight, "We are Pierce The Veil."

Uh yeah i hope this was an eye opener for some fans bc i think a lot of this is how vic really feels, like with the fans and stuff, I hope the fans who keep going on and on about "When are we getting an album?!" read this and realize that's what they're doing, they're just trying to please us but we're never happy, so just calm down, the album will come. Also, if you don't like Danielle, good for you, if you're so certain she's "a bad person", i'm sure Vic will see that and leave her, it's none of our business, He's a 32 year old man in a touring band, I think he can handle his own relationship, and telling Danielle to drink bleach won't do anything for us except make people like us less and less so stop telling ehr to kill herself. You Can't say you're against bullying and then go bully some celebrity just because.

They're people too, they have feelings too,

k bye sorry im just angry with this fandom.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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