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All Maci ever wanted was to meet one of her millions of idols. She's had  a rough life, her father left her mother and her moter removed her father's visiting rights when she was three, when she was twelve on the first day of summer going into seventh grade she was told that they were being evicted, they stayed at their uncles house for a month after having four dogs die at the animal shelter they had to send them to, and right after her bird which she'd had for four years almost just randomly died, after that, since her mom hadn't been able to find work and buy a house, they had to get rid of thier four remaining dogs and move into a homeless shelter in Denton, 30 minutes away from her friends and school, music was the only thing holding her together, she had been cutting since she was eleven but no one knew, when she turned thirteen he father contacted her mother and when he found out that they were homeless, he took her mother to court and gained costody of her and she went to live with her father's wife, Inball and thier two children Mike and Ron who where seven and eight. Her freshman year went smoothly but that summer, her mother contacted her father, saying that she has quit smoking, got a job, got a house, and managed to get land to keep their horses that they had been storing at a neighbors lot and she would like to take Maci's father to court for all of the money he owed her mom for theft and child support he never paid.

Maci was in between her mother and father's house, they kept her out of the drama for the most part and she was fine with that, she stayed at her dad's more becasue he was more acceptive of her style, which is very dark. Her father had let her get the one thing her she had been begging for and dreaming about since she was twelve, a lip ring. When Maci lived with her mother she could never buy clothes or shoes or look the way she wanted becasue they didn't have money since no one would hire her mom because of the way she looked and the fact that she had been a stay at home mom for over ten years and hadn't worked. Many times during that period of age (1-13) she was extremely depressed and had done multiple suicide atempts, the only thing that stopped her was the feeling of music, whenever she was ready, with a blade to her throat or a pistol to her head, she thought one of three things, 'What would (instert role model) do? what would he think',or  'a quote by Mitch Lucher, ' keep listening to music, it will get you through anything, i promise."' or the one that she reffered to most was thinking of her favorite songs and imagining what it would be like to never listen to them again. 

When she moved in with her dad she wasn't as depressed and learned to love herself, sort of, she pushed away her bad anxiety and gained a tiny bit of confidence and tried to think positive and be happy, she started vlogging on youtube on a channel she made called, Dear Myself, which was letters and diary entries to herself with weekly normal videos. She died her hair a lighter blonde, which pissed off her mother and started looking the way she wanted, during summers, her father would let her dye her hair funky colors and do fun things, she was able to buy lots of things she had always wanted and still managed to make monthly visits back to her home town to visit her friends and he old art teacher to catch up since she always loved that teacher. After he mother sued her father, she got money she deserved, 22,375 and weekend costody of Maci. Maci asked if she could spend full summers with her father, the judge agreed and in sumer of 2014,(shes 17) she managed to convince her dad to let her go to Warped.


I screammed, jumping around the living room like an idiot as my father held tickets to Vans Warped Tour 2014.


My father laughed as Inball video taped the entire thing and my half brother who was pretty much my full brother to me, who is and helped pay for it was smiling, he's my half brother on my mom's side, I have to half brothers on my dads side. Confusing right?

My two younger half brothers rolled their eyes as one walked away to his bedroom and the other began to text. They don't really like me.

I attacked my brother and father in a bear hug as they laughed.

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