I don't know what to title this one

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"Just one more shot!" I yelled at my best buddy Trace as I downed another, fading away more and more until all lines blurred and i couldn't make out an eye from some lips, which is quite terrible when you objective for the night is to kiss alot of people. Doesn't work out well when you can't determine which part your supposed to kiss.

I stumbled back to the couch where Trace sat surrounded by girls wearing little to nothing as the worst rap music played. This isn't my scene, I felt out of place. I waved to Trace, leaving the drug induced teenager behind even though it was him urging me to hurry up, he was obviously now occupied with more important things.

I walked across the street to the club I had intended on visiting before Trace insisted on the shitty generic one we went to that served me no purpose but to get wasted and drown my sorrows with liquid hate. 

I entered the club after showing the bouncer my ID which confirmed my age. Neon light flashed and Ghost Town blasted while girls wearing neon tops and fishnet tights with teased up tights and too much makeup grinded on guys with long black hair and many piercings and too long hair, as other from the outside would view it. But me, I saw it as normal and very attractive.

Faggot, that's what people would call me for my last comment but that's fine with me. I mean I am, right?

I spotted a guy across the room with long black hair. When I say long I don't mean Johnnie Guilbert, no, I mean Christian Coma. Oh hell yes. That's just my style. His gaze caught mine and his eyes raked from my black shirt and plaid flannel with he predictable black ripped up stereotypical  jeans and converse. His eyes lingered on my long blue and red hair that was also straitened like his, what can I say, My hair goes over my shoulders and I'm okay with that.

While he took my in I walked towards him examining his slightly tanned skin and grey Of Mice & Men tank top and black skinny jeans. His piercing green eyes stood out the most though, catching my gaze and holding my intrests begging for my biggest secrets. Even though previously I'd barely been able to see, now my vision was very clear.

He smiled at me once I had reached him nd he wasted no time in introductions. He set down his drink and grabbed my hand dragging me to the dance floor where Universe blared.

Its taking control

of my heart and my soul

I rested my hands on his shoulders around his neck as his grabbed my belt loops and pulled me closer. We swayed lightly, me grinding on him occasionally. He was just staring into my eyes, absolutely killing me with his gaze. It wasn't harsh, but it suggested much more than friends. I raised an eyebrow and he locked his lips with mine.

I moved mine along with his right away, wasting no time being shocked at how we had said no words to each other. My hands tangled in his soft hair and his hands gripped my waist and i smiled as he nipped my bottom lip. 

I pulled away teasingly and pulled away from him before jumping in sync with the pulsating music and he came close behind me and wrapped his arms around my midsection before picking me from behind and flipping me then proceeding to throw me over his shoulder and walk out of the sweaty group of people. I didn't quite recognize the song, I could tell it was Attila though and the boy carried me into the other section of the club which was a quieter area where most people where talking or kissing.

He set me on the island in the middle of the room and attached his lips to mine and I didn't spare a second to talk. When he pulled away for air I smiling at his slightly red lips and now messy hair. "Where have you been all night?" He asked breathlessly with a glint in his eye that made me smile. I leaned my head back and laughed.

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