I'm Not Okay

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this is alittle rushed, soz.


Ferard AU


        Gerard sat on the floor with his head in his hands, this is what he felt as his life has come to. His room was a mess, black clothing  lying everywhere, belts and other accesories cluttering the floor.His night table was cluttered with dished and fast food trash along with microwave dinner trash. His misfits poster had beentorn off the wall and now layed on the floor next to him.

        Gerard took a deep breathe and stood up. He dusted off his black skinny jeans and ran his hands over his red shit. He stepped over piles of clothing and paper. He walked into his equally messy living room and sighed. Briskly, he walked out of his apartment that brought him so much pain.

        Entering into the cold New Jersey winter atmosphere as snow fell from the skies. He was looking at his back and white boring converse, causing him to bump into someone on accident.

        He looked up and his eyes met a pale face that was tear stained but still beauitful.


        Frank looked up as his ''boyfriend'' took a second to pause before he struck out his hand again, whipping one of Frank's studded belts at him. It struck his chest, leaving a foul mark that would soon turn to just another bruise.

        "Get out of my sight. I'm done with you. I can do so much better. Patheitc emo." He yelled as Frank flinched back everytime he spit at him.

        Frank's heart sped up and he pushed himself up as fast as he could, itching to get out. Tear stained face and all, he ran out into the cold Jersey snow. He ignored he freeze biting at his bare arms, considering he was wearing a short sleeved shirt, and pushe dhis self forward, running as fast as his short legs would carry him.

        Panting and sweating, he kept glancing behind him nervously, expecting to see him chasing after Frank. Finnaly, after a couple minuetes of running and getting odd stares, he slowed to a walk, trying to catch his breathe, still glancing behind him every other second, waiting for the wreched  face of that demon to show. Instead, he bumped into someone, falling strait on his ass.

        When he looked up he saw possibly the most attractive man to ever be born into the planet. Oh Jesus. His black hair fell just aboive his greenish brown eyes and he had the most absolute cutest nose to exist. His face  was red from the cold and he looked a bit sad. He reached out his hand for Frank and Frank flinched, a little scared he was going to hit him.

        The man looked at him odly and Frank took his hand while the man pulled him up so effortlessly. "Sorry." He muttered, looking down at his converse.

        "Oh no, it was my fault. I wasn't paying attention." Frank rushed out, his breath turning white in the cold air.

        "Niether was I, I was lost in my thoughts....Why were you crying?" The man asked, tilting his head a bit.

        "No reason, really." Frank said, looking at his feet, now.

        The man laughed a bit, a smile covering his face and brighting his features. Frank almost shivered at the sound of his laugh, so husky and perfect. "So you were just crying for no reson? No reason at all?" He  said, still smiling a gorgeous smile.

        Frank blushed and fiddled with his hands "I guess." He said, bashfully.

        "No you wern't." The man laughed again. "How 'bout we go get some cofee and you tell me why you were crying?" He asked, smiling warmly at Frank. So inviting.

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