Contract Half Completed

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"Count yourself lucky I'm giving you an option. I don't negotiate, but you seem eager to take the boy's place. Your spirit speaks to me, and I might just take it instead."

"So you are some kind of demon. I won't let you lay a hand on my child." John told him. He's at the point where he'll do anything to protect Deacon.

"So you've agreed to complete the deal for him?"

"John, you can't!" Laura shouted desperately. She could hear everything. Her muffled cries through the hand she covered her mouth with could only listen not sure what to do.

"What about me? I-is there anything I can do?"

"Laura, you stay out of this!" John yelled back to her.

"I'm supposed to just wait here while something happens to you?"

"Dad, it's all my fault. I'm sorry." Deacon cried out. John clinched his jaw. He was in a bind. He didn't know what to say to hearing Deacon. His face heated. His body was growing numb to the damage he's received. He needed to think of something to save himself and family.

"Hang on." John turned in the dark trying to face him. "Who was that Ella you asked about?"

"Do you think you're in a position to be asking me things?" Face Mask pulled his arm again. He might as well take it off, that's how far out of place it felt.

"It sounds like you know her. Are you looking for this person? What if I said I'll help you find her?"

"Are you trying to make a deal with me?"

"If I can find this person, you let us free. If I can't find her, you're free to take me." John spoke through his teeth. He wished so badly in that moment he could get free and find away to get rid of this man.

Face Mask was still. His breathing was steady. John also still, trying to catch his breath. He wasn't sure if he was on board with this plan or getting ready to kill him. Laura was also on edge. She couldn't see a thing, but she felt as if she could see it all. Her husband bargaining with his life.

John felt the pressure from around his neck loosen. Face Mask took his hand and took it to his face, covering his right eye. It was dark, so John couldn't tell, but he felt the hand hovering over his eye.

"To make a deal with me, one deal must be completed. If you insist on doing things this way, you have to give me something to hold you to your word."

"You have my word!"

"A human's verbal condition to me has never proven to be permanent. Do not waste this chance I am giving you. If you wish to bargain your life for the whereabouts of Ella, it can be done. But I'll need this before I let you free." Face Mask pressed his hand on John's eye. He closed it instinctively as he felt the tip of his finger circling the ball. He felt the sting on his pupil.

Getting out of this situation unharmed was a thought long gone from the moment the blood left his leg. If it meant knowing Deacon and Laura would remain unharmed, and he actually has a chance to figure something out, then John is left with one choice.

"Fine. Take it. If it means you let us go." John released a sigh and closed his left eye. He relaxed his body before bracing himself again for what was to come. But nothing in the world could prepare him for the pain that was about to be given to him.

His screams filled the basement. Laura dropped to the floor as if she were the one being attacked. She covered Deacon's ears to muffle the sound as much as she could. She looked over to the room John was in, tears flowing off her face.

John felt paralyzed as he couldn't do anything about the assault on his face. Face Mask's first three fingers and thumb surrounded the eye and dug them in. His eye was beginning to bulge out. He popped his left eye open in shock. Water was forming in the corners.

He didn't need to see to know his vision was getting blurry and about to go out. His head was getting cloudy. His body temperature was raising and the blood was pouring from his right eye. Face Mask snatch the eye out ripping the optic nerve.

"You have three days to complete your task. If you do not have the answers I need, I will be back to claim the rest of the deal. See how far you get if you try to stop me. Or rather, how far the boy gets."

Laura was still on the floor. Bawling her eyes out as she felt the wind go through her hair. She looked up even though she couldn't see anything and listened.

The sound was gone before she could hear it. The only thing left to echo in the basement was John's soft whimpers in the other room. Laura bolted up and headed to him. She finally cut the flashlight back on to see where she was going.

She screamed. She put Deacon behind her so he wouldn't have to see the condition his father was in. Blood was everywhere. His shoulder was doubled in size. The gauze from earlier was soaked. His face was down. She was afraid to turn him.

As a nurse, she's seen a lot of things in the hospital. But seeing her husband down like this was something she never thought she would have to witness. The nerve cable laying just past his head.

It felt like the wind was being knocked out of her. She got on the ground and checked his pulse. He was still alive. She was forced to turn him over to see the condition of his face. Knots in her stomach formed. Her face hurt just looking at his eyes. The left one seems normal. The right was weak. The lid was drooped in. She had to get him up and to the hospital.

"Mom, what's that?" Deacon looked around. Laura was focused on John but stopped when she heard the creeks from upstairs.

She stood again taking the light around the room. She stepped out to hear better. She was sure Face Mask was gone. He made the deal with John. He has no reason to go back on his word.

There was another light. It came through from the top of the stairs. It flashed down to the basement. Laura followed the light and heard a noise. Someone was talking to another person. Then it hit her who it could be.

"We need an ambulance please!"

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