Chapter 2 The Late Start

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A red streak followed Barry as he sped his way through the city. Passing large buildings, tall trees and other non-interesting things. Watching time slowly pass by as Barry was running too fast, seeing S.T.A.R Labs in the far distance. All he could think about was Iris. Wondering where she was bothered him as he just wanted to hold her tightly in his arms.
Barry skidded along the rugged road as he fell to a sudden stop reaching his destination. The large stadium looking building was painted white with a big sign hanging over the roof advertising the name.
Inside the building were many hallways leading to different rooms. Looking down every aisle, Barry kept forward, pacing towards the main lab. He stopped outside double doors painted the colour marroon. Butterflies climbing up his throat. He anxiously opened the doors to the sight of his fellow companions shocked at his return.
Silence met the room as Cisco and Caitlin starred at Barry. Cisco curled his dark shoulder length hair behind his ear. Caitlin was the first to speak breaking the silence.
"Now you show up".
Barry responded by looking down at his shoes.
"I'm sorry" he replied. 
Caitlin turned around to face one of the many computers.
"But I need your help" he said looking up from the floor.
Cisco removed a pen from his mouth as he pulled a chair from the desk and sat on it. "What?" He asked surprised that it was Barry that wanted help and not Caitlin, Cisco or Doctor Wells.
Caitlin turned around and looked Barry in the eye as if she was staring into his soul draining the truth from his lungs.
"Iris is missing" he said staring back at Caitlin awaiting her reaction.
"What do you suggest we do about it?" Caitlin asked grabbing the chair next to Cisco. Barry shrugged "I don't know check security cameras? Do anything" he said returning his gaze to his shoes. 
Cisco and Caitlin looked at each other. "I'll do it" Cisco yelled raising his hand as if he were a student in a classroom. Caitlin gave Cisco a nasty glare as she walked off leaving the large lab.
"She's always been the one to hold a grudge" Cisco said once Caitlin had left the room. Barry smiled as he sat beside Cisco facing a large computer screen.
"So, where should we start?"

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