Chapter 6 The Blackout

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Slowly counting down the seconds.
9 minutes and 12 seconds
9 minutes and 11 seconds.
Begging for all this to be over, turning left, soon turning right.
Thinking like a criminal, where would they hide with a hostage?
Would they hide in a public or exclusive hideaway? What would he look for?
Multiple questions doubling in his mind.
7 minutes and 39 seconds
Increasing his speed, Barry bolted for the town centre, praying The Piper was there waiting for the mysterious Flash.
He wasn't.
Rathaway's voice was back "Where in the city haven't you checked?"
Was it normal that he wanted to strangle the young Hartley?
Sprinting to an old abandoned house.
Dashing to a radio tower.
3 minutes and 3 seconds.
He wasn't going to make it. Tine almost cathing 2 minutes, Barry's panic rising. His heartbeat racing faster than his legs.
The noise.
The screeching, piercing high pitched noise. Barry stopped, tripping over his own feet. Falling face first, Barry still hadn't lost count.
58 seconds
57 seconds.
His eyelids getting heavier, his hands attached to his ears and his legs curled to his body. Screaming, shouting, begging for help didn't get any help for the anonymous hero. The speed of his heartbeat didn't improve.
5 seconds
4 seconds
3 seconds
2 seconds
Everything went black.

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