Chapter 7 The Beginning of the End

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A splash of cold water awoke Barry from the deep sleep. Gasping for breath as he opened his eyes to the sight of the pier.
The grey water of the rugged ocean waving in the wind. Barry's hand, cuffed to the side of a wooden crate.
What? he thought as he tugged the chain of the metal ring.
"You'll never escape" Hartley Rathaway merged from the corner of Barry's eyes. Softly walking from within the shadows.
He bent down to face the hero, "What do you want with me?" Barry whispered.
"Everything - your identity, your loved ones, revenge" his glasses moving along his nose as he talked, slowly raising his eyebrows with the tone of his voice.
He gave the villian an evil look, squinting his eyes, rolling his tongue with his mouth.
Hartley reached for Barry's mask, reaching the back his head. His long fingernails piercing his scalp. Their faces almost touching, The Flash spit in Hartley's face, saliva running down his face.
He stood, as he looked down at the hero who remained on the floor.
Defenceless, Hartley raised his foot and a splash of pain hit The Flash's face. Blood trickling down his face. Another hit, this time to his nose. He heard a crack. Blood trickling down into his mouth. He screamed as loud as his lungs could hold.
Barry's head dropping to his torso, like a baby-to heavy to hold his own head.
"Now listen, if you talk, or even breathe I will hurt her" he pointed to Iris.
She was bloodied and bruised.
Her dark hair, now the colour red.
"Looks like you already have" he breathing heavily.
Hartley grabbed a small instrument from his back pocket. He slowly placed the flute to his mouth.
"Please, don't" Barry begged knowing what would happen.
As he blew through the instrument the piercing noise returned, this time not being able to cover his ears Barry screamed, shouted, kicked his legs as if he were a child in a tantrum.
Slowly, his eyelids falling heavier - he looked beside him to see Iris awaking. Acting the same way as he was, she soon also stared at The Flash, not knowing his true identity.
Staring deep at each other, the noise finally stopped.
"So, you're finally awake" Hartley walked over to Iris.
"Do you know who that is?" He pointed to the red-suited hero.
She glanced at him and shook her head.
"Shame" walking back over to the centre of the pier.
"We're gathered here today, to celebrate the reveal of the mysterious Flash" Hartley said enthusiastically.
While Hartley talked, Barry was scanning the area, slowly creating a plan to rescue Iris and defeat The Piper before he hurt either one of them.
"Please put your hand together for The Flash" again Hartley knelt down in front of him. Raising his knee, Barry kicked Hartley in the chest and sent him flying backward. Hitting his head on a wooden crate, Hartley was out cold. Giving Barry enough time to escape.
Using his cuffed hands, he rapidly moved them to cut the steel. Barry sprinted to Hartley, cuffed him with his hands behind his back.
Soon after releasing Iris, Eddie Thawne arrived embracing Iris in his arms. Barry watched on awkwardly, a tear rolling down his cheek. Wishing it was his arms Iris stood.
Iris leaned towards Eddie's ear "I'm sorry" she said turning towards The Flash.
"Wait!" She screamed sprinting towards him. She grabbed his neck, pulled him close as her lips brushed along his.
Just briefly, she pulled away "Thank you" she whispered slowly stepping back giving him way as if he were a plane of a runway.
He sprinted off with a smile on his face.
Until he realised she had not known it was him.

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