Chapter 4 The Hunt

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Barry sprinted to the computer. Bolting as large amounts of ceiling came crashing down behind him.
Cisco and Caitlin still stood by the window covering their faces as if that would protect them from the descructive quake. His hands running along the keys, as Barry did anything to find the face of Iris' s kidnapper.
"Come on" he said to himself, frustrated in how slow the computer was uploading. Suddenly a face appeared on the screen.
Barry was shocked to see that his prediction was correct.
Hartley Rathaway. Also known as The Pied Piper escaped from prison yesterday. The Flash put him away the last time the two had met.
"Get out of here!" Barry shouted who had only just realised the two were still behind him.
"Not without you" Caitlin screamed at the top of her lungs.
Barry sprinted towards the pair as he rescued them from the collapsing building. "Barry?" They both screamed. He was no where to be seen. "Barry?" They shouted again. Cisco's stomach turned. Had his best friend died in the rescue?
A cold breeze sent Cisco to his knees as The Flash appeared in front of him.
"Are you okay?" Caitlin said embracing Barry in her arms.
"I'm fine" he smiled.
Caitlin let go of him staring deep into his eyes.
"How did The Piper escape from Iron Heights?" Cisco asked relieved Barry was okay.
He shrugged "with a little help I guess" he turned to face S.T.A.R labs. What was left of it anyway. The vibrations were not as strong as they were before.
"Why did you go back?" Cisco asked, finally standing up.
"To get my lucky suit" Barry replied speeding off.
The wind rushing through his arms. His heart pounding. Scared, excitement and determination. Were all Barry felt as he dodged people, buildings and cracks in between the centre of the road.
He had no idea where he was running to but he wasn't going to stop.

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