Chapter 4: There's Something About The Name Troy That's Just Obnoxious

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Colson's POV:

I lean onto the desk, spinning a pen in my hands. The desks in the detention room are already covered in doodles, but it wouldn't hurt to add some more drawings to them.

I run my pen against the chipped wooden surface, the outline of a demon slowly appearing onto the table.

I continue scribbling away at the table until I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn my head up, wanting to see who it is. I see Troy's stupid face smirk before walking away.

I grit my teeth and get back to drawing on the table. I'm quite pleased with how the drawing is coming out.

Someone pulls out a chair and sits next to me.

"Troy, I swear-" I say, but it's not him. It's that exchange student again.

He hasn't even been in this building for even a day, and hasn't exactly done anything to me, but  I just don't like him.

"Hey" he says casually, pulling a notebook out of his bag.

I don't say anything back as I continue scribbling away at the desk.

He starts scribbling something in his notebook, but I don't pay attention to what he is writing. He's probably just doing homework.

Someone taps at my shoulder again, and I turn my head around.

"So," Troy says, still smirking. "I heard that last night, you-"

"Stop," I say through gritted teeth. "Go fuck yourself" 

Emo guy looks up from his notebook, then goes back to writing in it.

"How did it feel, knowing that you could've-"

I curl my hands into a fist and aim right at the front of Troy's nose. My fist slams right on the bridge of his nose.

Troy's hands grab my neck in an attempt to strangle me, but I fling myself at him, grabbing his neck and wrestling him to the floor.

He scratches my face as I knee him in the chin, yelling at the top of his lungs like a madman. 

All of this continues until someone rips us apart, breaking up the fight. 

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