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Hoseok just looked in shocked he just stood there "Yoongi I-" I got cut off by the bell ringing "Sorry Yoongi I have to go to my next class see you later" I said with a smile as I began to walk to my next class Yoongi just smiled and waved bye. As I was halfway there I heard heavy footsteps behind me so I looked behind me to find Jimin "hey Hobi" he said I just continue to walk to our next class "Hobi I know you hear me" Jimin said, "yea I do now what is it" I said "what was that about you and Yoongi walking out of the lunchroom" he asked "nothing" I said "ya okay". After getting to class I sat next to the Taehyung guy from the lunchroom he was really hot "hey Taehyung" I said "oh hey Hoseok" "you remember my name?" I said "ya" he said and laughed a little. After 1 hour in third period Taehyung tapped my shoulder "can I get your number" he said "ya sure it's 82-2-***********" I said "thanks" he said with a smile and I just smiled aswell .

Before class ended me and Taehyung have bonded a lot in only 2 hours in one class. Taehyung asked If I wanted to hang out with him and me being the nice person that I am I said "sure", he smiled and texted  where we were going to meet and what time.

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