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Michelle Lovegood

Halloween Night

The big house parties as well as the staff one were all in the making, and the corridors were loud, yet quiet. I was with Louis, my boyfriend, helping him set up the Gryffindor house party, though I shouldn't have been. But then again, this was the one night a year where the professors ignored most rule breaking, so we could prance around as we please.

I was now on my treacherous walk back to the Ravenclaw common room where our house party was going to be held. It was no big secret that the only big and fun parties were Slytherin and Gryffinor, but many of us Ravenclaws or Hufflepuffs liked to join ours together to have a decent sized one. This year, the joint party was to be held in the Ravenclaw common room.

At the door, I answered the quick riddle which never seemed to be much of a riddle, mainly just common sense. That's probably why no Slytherins ever managed to sneak in.

Inside, many of my friends were setting up the last of the decorations and changing into their costumes.

"Luna!" I exclaimed, "You're very," I struggled to think of a word that suited the costume she had on, "You're very orange, but not in a bad way."

Luna's costume was a pumpkin, though she wasn't shaped like a pumpkin. Maybe if pumpkins were shaped as people she would look a bit more convincing.

I went to my bedroom, which I shared with my best friend Juliette, so I could change into my costume. Another one of my best friends, Rosa, who is close to both of us, was in our room giving makeup advice. Rosa is a Hufflepuff, so we don't hang out as often as Juliette and I.

Juliette's costume is an abomination of the color purple, but I'm not sure what she's actually dressed as. She didn't tell anybody because she wanted it to be a surprise.

"What are you dressed as?" I asked.

"Take one good, long look at me."

"A grape? An aubergine? A plum?" I guessed and both Rosa and Juliette began laughing.

"A witch!" Juliette exclaimed, "Do you not see it?"

"No, I see it," I paused and looked her up and down once more, "It's just not obvious without a witch hat or a broom or anything."

"And that is why," Juliette paused and picked something up from under her bed, "I stole this from Theodore."

She had a broomstick in her hand, "You took Theodore as in Theodore Nott's broom? As in, you stole his broom?"

"It's surprising how easy it is to get what you want from him, all you need to do is flirt a little bit. So no, I didn't really steal it, he's letting me borrow it."

"So he's easy?" Rosa laughed.

"Easily manipulated, yeah," Juliette commented to which we all laughed.

The three of us had a sort of inside joke about how Slytherins aren't very bright and how they can fall for the simplest of tricks. It was mainly because Juliette and I are Ravenclaws, the house primarily recognized for our intelligence, but Rosa also joined the joke.

Rosa and I got dressed into our costumes before the three of us collectively went to the common room. Rosa was dressed as a cowgirl which complimented her boyfriend, Peter, who was dressed as a cowboy. Many students took Halloween to dress up as muggle things as it was a muggle holiday after all.

I was dressed as a fairy, which isn't necessarily a muggle thing, though they have stories and fantasize about them being real. My costume is gold, even the wings and my shoes. It's nothing show stopping, but it's better than some repeat costume from years previous or copying somebody else's.

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