𝑁𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 4𝑡ℎ

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Michelle Lovegood

November 4th

I'm debating if I should even waste my time going back to the investigation room. Juliette is probably mad at Louis and looking for me, but I'm not in my bed so how could she find me? I don't want to be around Louis after what happened yesterday. I need to go back to the Ravenclaw common room though. I need to tell Juliette everything.

Snape had woken up about twenty minutes before me and made us both a cup of coffee.

As we sipped, we made minimal small talk, probably because we're both introverts and needed some quiet time if that's what you would call that.

"I gathered your robes as you're probably eager to get back to solving crime." he smiled. He smiled a real smile.

"I don't even know if they'll let me back," my smile disappeared and so did his, "We've been arguing and our friendships are falling apart with it."

He didn't really have an appropriate response for that, and I didnt blame him.

I went back to the common room where I brushed past everybody, avoiding eye contact with everybody. On my bed was a note "I told McGonagall and the boys are now kicked out of our group, Hermionie has offered to help. Meet me"

Juliette always had a way of fixing my problems.

In the room, 3 of the chairs remained and Juliette and Hermionie sat in two of them, allowing me to take my place in the other.

"Your hair!" Hermionie said.

"I'll tell you guys later." I laughed.

"Hermionie and I were just discussing possible suspects." Juliette said.

"It has to be two killers." Hermionie said, "Harry said to expect the unexpected and two killers is unexpected."

"Why do you think they're targeting Draco?" I asked.

"Revenge or they're trying to get something from him. Make him weak enough to give something up."

"But what does Draco have that other people would want?" I questioned, "None of it makes sense."

"Don't be so pessimistic." she said, "Maybe today will be like yesterday and nobody will die, leaving us more time to brainstorm."

Please don't let today be like yesterday. Don't even jinx it.

"Did Harry say anything else?" Juliette asked, trying to stay hopeful.

"He just asked that we look more into Luna's wand and his broomstick," Hermionie said, "He said it has to have some sort of of meaning behind it."

"Unless it's just something to distract us." I added.

"Only a Gryffindor could have been able to steal Luna's wand without being caught." she began, "And as for Harry's broom, anybody outside of their common rooms would have stolen it."

"So a Gryffindor killed Blaise?" Juliette asked.

"That's what Harry thinks."

I know it's not much, but at least we know that whoever has been killing all of these people, or at least one of them is a Gryffinor. That doesn't narrow it down tremendously, but its better than what we knew previously.

"How are we going to figure out who?" I asked.

We sat in silence.

"Fake Veritaserum." Juliette said, "We get some real Veritaserum and another potion that looks the same and we threaten to use it on everybody if nobody admits to it."

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